Friday, January 7, 2011

My Speaker Visit Website Is UP!

So I've been posting on this blog over the past few months that I've been visiting schools and groups to present Safe Space Assemblies and Smashing Stereotypes Workshops. To put all the information about those speaker visits in one place, today I launch my Lee Wind Speaker Visit Website!

You'll be able to link to it in the right hand column of this blog under "About Me," but for now, allow me to show it to you:

There's a Lee Wind Speaker Visit home page:

A Safe Space Assemblies page:

A Smashing Stereotypes Workshop page:

A page that's well... all about me:

And a contact/rates page:

I tried to cover the bases, and get all the information on my speaker visits (even Skype visits!) organized and accessible.

I'm excited about it. Thanks for letting me share!



Elizabeth O Dulemba said...

It looks fantastic Lee! I hope this leads to lots of engagements, as I know what you have to say would do a lot of good out there! Happy New Year! :) e

Courtney Cook Hopp said...

Lee - Congrats on getting your site up and running. I look forward to hearing about your successes!

nutschell said...

This is great work you're doing! You're making an awesome difference in the world out there.

Madigan Mirza said...

Lee, your website looks amazing! All the photos of you speaking with teens look so dynamic. I know you must be changing lives, what a great feeling.

Rita said...

Congratulations, Lee!! The new Web site looks FANTASTIC.

I am blown away by all that you achieve. Here's to 2011! Goodness knows what it will bring!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Congratulations! You should be excited! Loved all the pics (esp the Smashing Stereotypes ones) And your vid on It Get's Better. Had not seen yours. Hope this leads to many more visits..what an inspiration.

Sara W.E. said...

Nice! I have to join everyone in saying how great this looks! Congrats:)

Lee Wind, M.Ed. said...

Thanks to you all! It's very cool to have such a supportive community.