Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The 2011 Comment Challenge Finale! It's been 21 days - do you have a new habit yet?

We've arrived! Twenty-one days of commenting (hopefully) five times a day on kid lit blogs! Reading blogs with the intent to join the conversation! Seeing more people coming to our blogs! And realizing that we really are part of a larger community!

Congratulations to Pen and Ink who won our random drawing from last week's check-in!

How did I do with the challenge? Why, thanks for asking!

I clocked in yesterday with 116 comments. So that's more than five a day. (Just over five and a half comments a day - though the half is a good reminder that this isn't a precise science, some days you'll comment more, and some less, but it's all good.) I'm glad I was able to achieve the goal. And yet, even more than the number of comments I made, it was the fact that being part of the challenge re-energized both my commenting and my efforts to read outside of my "usual suspects" that made me feel that
it was a success for me.

To honor the successful conclusion of this year's challenge, I've re-made the graphic to include the 100+ blogs that participated. All together it's 131 blog mastheads. See if you can find yours!

Please click on over to MotherReader's to do your final check-in and let us know

How did it go for you?

That way you'll be part of the big finale of comments and you'll be eligible for the prize drawings! (And remember, when you're looking for some active bloggers in our world of kid lit, a great place to start is the 2011 Comment Challenge's sign up post!)

Thank you again for participating and for being part of this wonderful community!

We'll be back again next year with another edition of The Comment Challenge, but we hope these past three weeks have helped you all forge a new habit of commenting and feeling connected. Let's continue that throughout the year ahead!

Namaste, and keep commenting,


Madigan Mirza said...

Wow!!! Has it really been 21 days?? It seems like it just flew by! Thanks again for hosting this.

Love that graphic that you made! Seeing it reminded me of a few of my favorite bloggers that I haven't checked in on lately. I'm off to read (and maybe comment) on their blogs!

Carmela Martino said...

Congratulations on meeting the challenge, Lee. Unfortunately, I wasn't as successful. But I have discovered some new blogs and we received comments from lots of new readers on our TeachingAuthors blog. Thanks so much for helping to expand the Kidlitosphere community! And I love the graphic. (Hope it was okay to copy it in my post today.)

Jonathon Arntson said...

Yeah...I totally fell off the wagon. It didn't help that I didn't join until day seven, but I do think I have left enough comments to fulfill the challenge. I have started following 17 new blogs in the last two weeks, which is the biggest increase in that amount of time in quite a while.

I have made some new friends even, and perhaps that's totally unrelated to the comment challenge or perhaps it's a direct result.

Susan Kaye Quinn said...

That certainly did fly past, but thanks for hosting this! I clocked in at 140 total comments, so I think I've got a pretty good habit going! LOL

Shelly B said...

I have been making it a point to sit down and comment every week night at least, so I only made it to 99 comments. Sure didn't think we were at 21 days yet! It has helped me to clean out my reader daily though. Thanks for the challenge; can't wait until next year!

Amy L V said...

I made it! I made 100 comments, and I love the graphic too. It's been fun to explore all of these new-to-me blogs. Thank you for sponsoring this! A.

Storied Cities said...

I was going strong the first week but when my kids got sick I never quite recovered my speed. However I discovered lots of new blogs and will be making an effort to keep up with a moderate commenting pace -- esp. because I know how great it is to have others make comments on my blog!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for co-hosting this! Yes on the habit-and even more exciting is the finding of new blogs, new places to learn and make connections. And like Madigan says it really does feel like the time flew.

Jennifer Morian Frye said...

I have loved the comment challenge, though fell tragically short of my goals....time is too fleeting. I recorded a total of just over 40 BUT did gain readership and best of all found some great new blogs to if only there were more hours in the day to read them. Thank you again SO very much for this opportunity. And seeing my little blog header on that graphic made my day! Thank you! : )

Carol H Rasco said...

Thanks, Lee, for your co-sponsorship of the Comment Challenge again this year. Great event, loved getting to know new blogs. And I am also enjoying your tweets from the conference this weekend, thank you!