Sunday, January 30, 2011

The 2011 SCBWI Winter Conference: Sunday!


Today's going to start with award presentations, and then there's a keynote from Sara Zarr! (I had a great twitter exchange with Sara, who a couple of days ago tweeted that she had just rehearsed her #ny11scbwi speech for her parakeet, which resulted in a thoughtful expression - just the response she was going for. I tweeted back, 'but will your parakeet blog about it, or will Team Blog still have the scoop?' And she tweeted me back,

no. he prefers to tweet.

Ahh, you see why you should be following #ny11scbwi and people like sara on twitter? Moments like that are awesome! (And of course, I'd be delighted for you to follow me on twitter as well!)

Then there's the panel "Look Who's Laughing: How To Do Funny for Young Readers and Why" that will feature Douglas Florian, Lenore Look, Leonard Marcus and Mo Willems. I'm sure I'll laugh a lot, but I'm equally excited about how much I can learn from these experts in funny! I saw Mo on Friday night and in person he's hysterical - and had groups of us cracking up!

And then, the closing keynote by the incredible Linda Sue Park - who always inspires and shares her insights - and hearing her speak always makes me leave a better writer!

And then the big autograph party!

WOWSA! This is going to be an incredible day!

Remember to check in with The Offical SCBWI Conference Blog for our SCBWI Team Blog posts live from the conference floor, and to follow us on twitter with the hashtag


1 comment:

ivanova said...

It was a great day, & a great conference!

Thanks for creating the LGBTQ panel on Saturday. For me, it was a conference highlight. It was nice to see you IRL, Lee! I also saw some other people there that I have only met online before.