So, how's it going?
Our randomly selected winner from last week's check-in was commenter #23, storied cities! Congratulations! She won "I'm Not" by Pam Smallcomb, her choice of the prizes!
And remember, comment here to let MotherReader and I know how you're doing, get re-energized and inspired, and be entered in our second random prize drawing!
Look over the comments of your fellow community members - people are seeing the difference. Feeling the difference. There's an engagement and a growing sense of community, each and every comment, each and every day.
You're making it happen. We're making it happen!
So let's keep going!
How am I doing? Well, I got caught up this week, with 73 comments clocked in so far (today, day 14, you should hit 70 comments to stay on-track with the 5-a-day average.) And I did better than last week, commenting on every day but one. This week I'm aiming to be more consistent, to make it a daily habit!
So yeah, I guess I'm getting back into the habit of commenting - and like MotherReader said so wisely last week, reading blog posts with the intent to comment really changes how I'm reading!
Tell us how you're doing by leaving a comment here!
Namaste, and keep commenting!
I did about the same as last week (47 vs. 50 for a total of 97), but made an attempt to visit more people off the comment-hop-o-rama. I'm finding it tough just to keep up with the people I already know and love - but then I find new friends on Twitter, follow them to their blog, and then...have more good stuff to read. :)
WOW 73 comments. I stand in awe. I have only managed 5 a day, with the occasional extra 1 or 2. But I have found so many new blogs that I like and I have a record of all the sites I went to with their URL.
This is a great idea.
Still on track with 5 comments a day. I'm reading a lot of great posts--thanks!
I did about the same as last week, the only difference being I did manage to post on the weekend.
One thing I'm finding is that I'm much more likely to write a comment on posts that end with a question or directly ask for a reader's input. Something to remember when I'm writing my own posts. Don't you agree?
I'm not doing as well as I'd like but I'm still finding lots of new blogs to read and am enjoying the challenge!
Lost my momentum this week, but still got to visit some cool blogs:
1/18=0!!! Dang
1/19=5 - back in the swing!
Hm. e
Thanks everyone so far! susan, way to go! Alex, there's nothing awe-inducing about my 73 over 14 days. If you've been doing 5 a day plus the occasional 1 or 2, you're ahead of me! Kate, Catherine, Even In Australia, and e, keep up the good work - remember, it's a challenge, but beyond the numbers, the point is to get re-invigorated about commenting, and it sounds like that's happening for all of us!
Namaste, and keep commenting,
I thought it would be harder now that we're finally back in school, but I've been doing 5 a day, plus responding to the many wonderful comments on my own blog (which I haven't been counting. It's getting to be like brushing my teeth. Too bad I can't combine commenting with teeth-brushing...
This week has been more challenging for me - just busy busy busy with family. But I'm not one for chucking the towel in so will promise (to myself) to do better this coming week :-)
I have 40 for this week, but I haven't started "commenting time" for today. I find that I tend to do more like ten a day, but skip some days of blog reading/commenting entirely. That works better for me, because once I get the commenting zone, it's easy to keep going.
I'm at 72 comments right now. I've been commenting every day; some days I only leave one or two, but other days I do many as 10 comments. So it's going well! Glad to see it is for other people as well.
Not counting today, I'm holding at 60 (4.2/day). Weekends are pretty much out for me and with the 9YO home from school 2 days, not much blog reading going on.
What I am happy about, though is my mini-goal to visit at least one new blog every day. So far I've done that for 12 of 14, with some days having 2 or 3 new friends.
Pen & Ink comes in at 43 for the week. The count would have been higher but a certain member - who shall remain nameless but he's the token Mexican - is a slacker.
The Management
Well, I'm a bit behind. I signed up on the 13th, and so far have a count of a paltry 30. But that is more than it maybe would've been, and I've 'found' some awesome new blogs and a few new people have found mine....so I'm not complaining about anything but lack of time to read all of these wonderful book blogs!
I'm ahead of you, but not by much. I've track my 5/day, but then sometimes get some extras. And I have some new blogs in my reader. I find myself chasing down links more often, too.
UGH! Epic fail this week! I have definitely been paying more attention when I read the blogs in my feeder. I have been tabbing them to comment later, but, am having a hard time getting back to comment. I don't write very quickly (even comments) and so commenting does take a ton of time for me. This week, I've had reviews due and other obligations. Sorry!
I'm taking it as a personal challenge to discover new blogs and hopefully network with other young adult librarians/literature lovers. I'm making an effort to read blogs more than once a week and to comment instead of just thinking to myself or saying something to my significant other.
I am not quite on track, but I'm getting closer each day. I, too, have found a lot of interesting blogs to revisit. Thank you!
Namaste, Lee,
Just to provide all you guys with a laugh, I'll report that so far I've done 12 comments. Even considering that I was off-line for 8 days for something-like-a- retreat-but-different that is...12 comments.
I've been keeping above pace. I am currently at 99 and very happy about it.
DreamyCowgirl @ hotmail.com
Thanks everybody,
But here's a special note to Gail: It's not about feeling better (or worse) than anyone else, and while we're sharing numbers, the person you're really in competition with is yourself. (Like they say in yoga classes, eyes on your own mat.) Are you commenting more than usual? (Even if it's a single comment when you've never commented before...) Are you feeling more engaged in the community that we're all a part of? Those are the TRUE metrics of success.
Now, keep commenting!
I'm still managing 5 a day, occasionally 1 or 2 more. The more comments I make, the more comments I get. That's pretty cool!
I have 34 this week, only missing one day. So, 30 last week plus this week makes 64. Not too bad if I don't say so myself! I have making a conscious effort to be a better commenter. I still haven't gotten very far out of my Google Reader comfort zone, but I'll get there!
I've been commenting, but I haven't caught up like I thought I would. My preschooler's been out of school all week, and he's not taking naps anymore, even though I told him he couldn't stop until Kindergarten.
I got started late (I have yet to do my participation post) and have done no more than 5 comments a day but through the list of blogs participating in the challenge I discovered a couple of new-to-me blogs, yay :) I even added one to my Google Reader.
Does this comment count? ;)
Congrats to the winner!
I'm right on track...73 comments as of today! You know it really doesn't take that much effort to comment this much. I'm enjoying it! Thanks for this great idea. =O)
I'm amazed by everyone who's kept exact numbers. I have no idea how many posts I've done. I can only say that I know I've done at least 5 a day, and sometimes a little more.
I'm checking out lots and lots and lots of new blogs.
A lot of them, eh, don't seem to be anything special (sorry!) But, at least I am getting a better idea of what people mean when they complain about folks who put together so-so blogs in a hurry, just to scam for free books.
But, happily, I have found some real gold amongst the dross, and discovered a few blogs that I never would have otherwise - smart, awesome people with interesting, witty things to say about books. Hurrah!
Thanks for your encouragement, Lee. I have fallen woefully behind the 5 comments/day goal. But I have been commenting on new and interesting blogs, so I still consider the challenge a great success!
Doing pretty well! I am averaging at least 5 comments a day (so--35 for the week). Plus, am learning so much, finding great blogs to follow, figuring out my blog reading "style". All around great idea for developing the habit--the habit she is a developing!
I'm a bit behind, but still am in the habit of leaving comments on several blogs a day.
Did anybody else do that exercise in middle school where you pass your paper to several of your classmates, and everyone has to comment on what you wrote? That's what this feels like. I loved that exercise (and still have all my classmates' comments......because I want to be Katherine Paterson.)
I'm a little behind - 60 comments so far. But I am looking forward to spending a little extra time this weekend. And it's more than I did last year, and yes, I feel more engaged. So it's a great success! Thanks for doing this!
I'm so glad I won! However, this week I fell behind, due to the holiday weekend. Then when both of my sons got sick, I just lost track of how many I did. I might try to make up some time, but I might just have to write it off.
I did about 50, which makes last week's measly number look so teensy. Hopefully I can keep up since I started behind!
I'm about ten behind where I should be...I can't comment at work, and my time at home has been more than a little frantic. But I am determined to comment tons the next few days! Onward!
I just signed up last Friday, and I'm only at 17 comments, but I'm having a blast. So much fun to bounce around through so many different kinds of blogs. It's true, it's energizing.
I started out strong last week but then the long weekend hit (my whole family was home on MLK Day), and I didn't have time to go online. Hope to do better this time around.
I'm doing a lot better this week, hitting up to 84 comments total. I didn't get around to commenting yesterday at all because of work stuff, but I'm hoping to make up for it today. :)
I'm checking in a little late (it's Friday) and although I'm not quite averaging 5 a day, I'm posting more often than I had been, discovering great blogs, and enjoying the challenge. I'm also keeping track of my posts.
I am working hard to catch up this weekend. I am very grateful for you and MoReader for this challenge and the list of links. I am discovering a lot of great blogs!
I fell off the edge of the commenting world in the past week and a half, with my father's illness, death, and concentration on preparing for his memorial service (including writing a eulogy and a new hymn to be used in the service, etc.) and just today have begun reading and commenting again. So I'm nowhere near my commenting goal -- but I've discovered some wonderful people writing wonderful blogs, and they've been visiting me as well, so my venture into the challenge has been a success in my eyes, even without impressive numbers of comments to report.
we're sorry to hear of your loss. One of the great things about the comment challenge is the reminder that we're all part of a community - and that we're not on this journey alone. It's great that you've connected with the true purpose of the comment challenge (re-connecting with that sense of community) and we hope for you and everyone that - no matter your numbers - that this 21 day experiment helps you feel excited and energized and grateful to be part of this community - because that's how we feel!
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