Friday, July 10, 2009

Martina, Martina, Martina... What are you THINKING???

Martina Navratilova is a gay icon. A gay civil rights pioneer.

She's the face of the Rainbow Endowment.

And because she doesn't want to share her financial assets with her ex-partner/lover/wife (they had TWO ceremonies!) of eight years, Martina has her lawyers in court arguing that because she's a woman who was in a relationship with another woman, the rules of heterosexual divorce shouldn't apply.

Well, guess what, Martina?

If we fight for marriage, we fight for divorce as well.

And, like this great article by Louis Bayard in Salon says so well, Marriage is a prize, but it also comes with a price.

Come on!

We need you as a role model. As a gay icon.

Suck it up, and pay the damn price of equality, Martina.

And, um... better luck with wife #3.

1 comment:

fairyhedgehog said...

How very disappointing.