Friday, July 17, 2009


By Ellen Hopkins

Three teens.

Tony popped too many pills.

Vanessa cut herself.

Connor put a gun to his chest and pulled the trigger.

And yet, they all failed at suicide.

Now they're in a Betty-Ford-style upscale treatment center, and though they're from completely different worlds, they come together and form the most unlikely of friendships.

Sex, abuse, addiction, sexuality, and love are all huge drivers that landed them inside. But can they figure out a way to survive not just life inside, but the life outside that drove them to try to kill themselves in the first place?

Told in a rush of poems, this New York Times Bestselling novel grabs you and doesn't let go!

Add your review of "Impulse" in comments!


Anonymous said...

I am a young adult reader. I have read most of Ellen Hopkins books, so far I have read Crank, Glass, Impulse, and Burned. Recently I have realized that I seem to be very interested in books about drugs, alcohol, abuse, etc. In the beginning of this year I read Lessons from a dead girl and gave it to my mom to read because personally I liked the book a lot but she took it away from me, wants to have a serious talk about it with me, and insists that I do not read anymore books like that. I was wondering if you could suggests anymore books like Impulse to me? I just cant seem to get my moms advice on good books since she doesn't like the books I read . Also, if you haven't read Go Ask Alice yet I suggest you do, its really good !

Lee Wind, M.Ed. said...

To Anonymous March 24, 2010 4:22PM,

Ellen Hopkins' books, while dealing with a lot of "dark" issues, don't glamorize them. She isn't saying drugs are great - she's showing that characters pay a huge price for falling into that world. They are powerful and gut-wrenching stories that are so well told, and I would think (and hope) that the vicarious experience of reading the characters' mis-steps would help teen readers avoid some of the same mistakes in their lives.

Like Laurie Halse Anderson's "Wintergirls" - it's not a glamorous look at anorexia - it's stomach-clenching and horrible and yet so well done.

Maybe reading the same books and discussing them together with your Mom would be something to try.

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe this book is included in this collection! While I adored this book, it should NOT be included as "gay" literature. The gay character, who in the begining was flamboyant gay guy who had a rough life, ends up with Vanessa, a girl. It gave off the message that you can become straight by "finding the right girl."

Lee Wind, M.Ed. said...

Hi Anonymous Dec 28, 2010, 7:20pm:

I think that any teen book that explores the complexity of sexuality belongs in this collection - certainly Ellen Hopkins deals with some charged and difficult subjects, and while on the surface it might sound like she's written a gay character who then becomes straight, the actual writing - to me - was more about a character learning that HE needed to define himself for himself, rather than accept other people's labels or assumptions.

I agree with you the book is very well done, but I do feel it belongs in a listing of books that deal with gay/bisexual/questioning teen characters and themes.
