Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Suicide Year

By Lena Prodan

She's in the wrong body. The wrong family. The wrong life.

She has a crush on another girl in school - and then that girl hooks up with a boy.

Her father's violent. Her mother's crazy. And she's scared they'll find out about her.

Her lifelong dream of hiking the Appalachian Trail is destroyed. She doesn't know what's going to happen after high school.

She has to escape. So she plans the perfect fail-proof suicide. But as she goes through the ritual, she finds a savior - at last. Herself.

Add your review of "The Suicide Year" in comments!

The Trevor Project, 1-866-4-U-TREVOR (1-866-488-7386) operates the only nationwide, around-the-clock crisis and suicide prevention helpline for LGBTQ youth. If you or a friend are feeling lost or alone, call The Trevor Helpline. There is hope, there is help.


Lena Prodan said...

Lee - thank you for posting the information to the Trevor Project along with the blurb about The Suicide Year. That organization means a lot to me.

Unknown said...

Have you read Almost Perfect or blogged on it? I just finished it and it was truly engaging and bittersweet--and realistic.

Unknown said...

I read Almost Perfect too, really powerful book - definately bitter sweet.