Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Gay Rights Are Human Rights: The 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights! And WHY couldn't the new Captain Kirk be GAY?

60 years ago today, in 1948, the UN passed "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights."

It's fascinating reading (go here!), sounding much like the basis for Gene Roddenberry's "Star Trek."

And, much like "Star Trek," there are no gays in this vision of the future.

Sexual orientation isn't mentioned.

But really, Gay Rights ARE Human Rights, and it doesn't take much mental extrapolation to include protections for sexual orientation and/or gender expression under the umbrella of Universal Human Rights that was declared for "Everyone!"

Like it says in Article 2:

"Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status...."

So as you go around your day today, think about how EVERYONE who is human deserves EQUAL RIGHTS.

We have a lot of work to get to where this "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" doesn't read like the science fiction of tomorrow - but sounds like our reality!

And really, why couldn't Captain Kirk be GAY? Especially now that Chris Pine is the actor playing him in the new Star Trek movie coming out next year and already being Trailer-ed???

Chris Pine

I mean, really. We Gay people are part of this world. We were part of the past. We are part of the present. And we will be part of the future, no matter how many beautiful women Captain Kirk ends up bedding.

But personally, I'd love to see this Captain Kirk lip-lock some sexy guy - hmmm... now, who would I cast as the Gay Love Interest?

How about:
Neil Patrick Harris

Yeah, that could work. Hmmm...

Who would you cast?

Ahh, see how much fun Universal Human Rights can be?




Hayden Thorne said...

I wouldn't know who to cast, but I hope he kisses a hot (male) Romulan commander. Imagine the angst.

Sci-fi and fantasy, especially, have plenty of room for diversity (compared to historical fiction, where I'm usually stuck with closeted characters). They ought to include more out GLBT characters in movies or TV series.

We've already been cheated out of a gay teen character in Heroes, but I think that Gaeta (sp?) of Battlestar Galactica is supposed to be gay. Unfortunately it's always been nothing more than a rumor.

Anonymous said...

I say this only because I'm totally in love with NPH - he's seriously the hottest thing since - well, the first Britney Spears video - and I think he'd be wasted on Star Trek. :)

Sorry. I like Star Trek: NG & DSN & Voyager, but not the original. Kirk creeps me out, so I'd prefer he not be gay, actually. Maybe the new one will be better, less pedo-phile-y.

I think they should have made Batman gay. Christian Bale? Come on, that would be awesome. Or Han Solo. Now that's a character that should have been gay.

Lee Wind, M.Ed. said...

And in a depressing update on this, this week the US voted AGAINST amending this "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" to include sexual orientation and gender identity:

sigh. we still have a ways to go.
