Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Magic's Promise

By Mercedes Lackey

Vanyel (who in Book 1, "Magic's Pawn," was just coming of age as a gay man) is now the most powerful Herald-Mage in the history of their world.

But wild magic and dark magic are threatening everything, and when his "horse" companion Yfandes receives a call for help, Vanyel is drawn into the heart of the danger...

"Magic's Promise" is Book 2 in the trilogy: "The Last Herald-Mage Series." Add your review in comments!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you mentioned this series! For years all I have been able to describe it as is "That fantasy series with the gay wizard." I have been wanting to pick the series up again (I don't think I ever finished it before) but couldn't for the life of me remember anything about it except the above.

Sarah Laurenson said...

As I mentioned before, I love this series. Picked it up recently to check on something that she said in her latest book and wound up re-reading the entire series. Just could not put it down even though I've read it many times before.

And now I'm deep into Elspeth's story with the wonderfully gay Firesong who has none of Vanyel's anxiety ridden hang ups.