Monday, October 20, 2008

GSA Monday Topic: Speaking Lies To Truth - Obama & Prop 8 - Where does the TRUTH fit in with our Political Process in the USA?

“Obama is palling around with Terrorists.”
-a lie by Palin

“Churches will lose their non-profit tax status
if they don’t marry Gay couples.”
-a lie in “Yes on Prop 8” ads

This week, try teaming up with the Black Student Alliance (if there is such a thing at your school) and/or other students and have everyone join in the discussion of where exactly the TRUTH ends up in our political system...

Also check out this very cool website "Lie Count" that tracks politicans' lies... You can read all about the lies going on - on both sides. Though Republicans are winning (or losing) with more than double the verified lies than Democrats - 25 to 12!

Does the truth even matter anymore?

Or is it just about which side has the most money to advertise their lies?

What about lies that hide the truth of people's discrimination against blacks and gays?

What do you think?

Jump into the discussion with your Gay-Straight Alliance, or be part of our community Gay-Straight Alliance here, and chime in with your own comment!


Anonymous said...

Does the truth even matter anymore?

Not if you're hemorrhaging support from people who'd normally back you up.

Not if you think yourself as the gatekeepers of another state's "morality."

Or is it just about which side has the most money to advertise their lies?

The curious thing about this is that according to the numbers you posted, the Republicans outlie the Democrats, and yet they're the ones with far less money raised.

From what I see, there's a direct proportional relationship between lack of funds, tanking poll numbers, and fading support, and the intensity and viciousness of false attacks.

What about lies that hide the truth of people's discrimination against blacks and gays?

While some people seem to be more than happy to express their hatred of a minority group, the rest prefer not to be viewed as bigots (it is the 21st century, after all) and try to cover all that up with a pretty flimsy veneer.

Oh, and here's a quickie Prop 8 anecdote:

About a week ago, half a dozen "Yes on 8" signs appeared up and down the main stretch of my city (there were no other such signs anywhere else). I was angered by that, of course.

I slapped my "No on 8" bumper sticker on my car's butt (next to Obama/Biden) and drove around the city with it on (I've never seen other "No on 8" stickers or signs anywhere, so I wore it like a badge of honor).

The following day the "Yes on 8" signs vanished. I've no idea where they went.

Makes me want to think that I've been blessed with Super Bumper Sticker of Justice (blast those villainous lies out of existence with a ZAP! and a POW! - all from the convenience of my car's butt), but that would be stretching things. All the same, it was strange and funny the way the coincidence worked itself out.

As of two days ago, only one "yes on 8" sign reappeared, kind of fading in the background with the gaggle of other lawn signs for different city officials that are stuck in teeny patch of grass.

Anonymous said...

A pretty decent straight man blogs about Prop 8 here. :)