Tuesday, October 28, 2008

BLOG the VOTE! Vote NO on Prop 8 - listen to Teenagers Who KNOW what's at stake!

These Teens and Young Adults say it better than maybe anyone else can:

Think about how you can help.

If you're not old enough to vote yourself, can you drive someone to the polls?

Can you help with some chores or tasks to get someone who otherwise might not have the time to be able to vote?

Can you have a good conversation with a family member or friend to share with them your feelings about the election and what's at stake -- and maybe convince them to vote the way you would?

Can you pass this video along to some friends, and help get the word out???

And if you want to blog about voting, join us with BLOG THE VOTE!

To get involved with "Blog The Vote" - where kid and adult lit bloggers blog on Monday Nov 3rd about WHY it's so important to Vote on Nov 4, 2008, send an email with a url for your blog post to one of the three of us:

me leewind(at)roadrunner(dot)com

Colleen Mondor over at Chasing Ray colleen(at)chasingray(dot)com

Gregory K. over at Gotta Book blogthevote(at)gmail(dot)com

Colleen will be compiling a master list of posts - we'll pull a great quote from each one of your posts and add it with a link to the list.

Make sure you keep it nice - this is not the place for partisan mean-ness. (Anyone overstepping that guideline will not be included.)

Also, at the bottom of YOUR post, please include a link back to the master list over at chasingray (Colleen will have the master list up on Sunday, Nov 2, so it'll be easy to find.)

Thanks to Sarah Stevenson for the "Blog The Vote" Graphic - feel free to grab it and use it on your own posts!!!

We hope you join in!




Anonymous said...

Lee, you are my hero. The best I can do is copy what you write into the Google Reader feed on my page and keep Facebooking people to come here and check it out. Thanks!!!

Lee Wind, M.Ed. said...

Aw, shucks. Thanks! And thanks as well for getting the word out!

Anonymous said...

Lee, I've just blogged about Prop 8:

I'm one of the least impartial people when it comes to politics and civil rights, so I tend to use strong words (though I tried to cut back on them here).