Tuesday, October 21, 2008

BLOG THE VOTE! Prop. 8 - California's Anti-Same-Gender (Same-Sex) Marriage Voter Referendum

Prop 8 is wrong. The idea that a majority vote can change the state constitution to take away rights from a minority is wrong. The idea that my gay marriage hurts anyone else's straight marriage is wrong. The lies the "Yes on Prop 8" campaign are using in their advertising (that churches will lose their tax-exempt status if they don't perform same-gender marriage, and that it will force elementary schools to teach children about - shudder - gay marriage as one version of marriage) are wrong.

But, as much as I could soapbox about how wrong this is, sometimes humor is the best way to get a point across.

So watch this really funny video:

Yeah. Funny/Scary, isn't it?

Like a lot of things on the political horizon - if we don't vote, think about what could happen to our State, our Country, our World...



To get involved with "Blog The Vote" - where kid and adult lit bloggers blog about WHY it's so important to Vote on Nov 4, 2008, send an email with a url for your blog post to one of the three of us:

me leewind(at)roadrunner(dot)com

Colleen Mondor over at Chasing Ray colleen(at)chasingray(dot)com

Gregory K. over at Gotta Book blogthevote(at)gmail(dot)com

Colleen will be compiling a master list of posts - we'll pull a great quote from each one of your posts and add it with a link to the list.

Make sure you keep it nice - this is not the place for partisan mean-ness. (Anyone overstepping that guideline will not be included.)

Also, at the bottom of YOUR post, please include a link back to the master list over at chasingray (Colleen will have the master list up on Sunday, Nov 2, so it'll be easy to find.)

Thanks to Sarah Stevenson for the "Blog The Vote" Graphic - feel free to grab it and use it on your own posts!!!

We hope you join in!


web said...

Here's another video you might enjoy -- my favorite song by Roy Zimmerman.


Lee Wind, M.Ed. said...

Hi Web,
Thanks for the link to this - it's funny and right on target!