Thursday, October 30, 2008


Okay, let's think about this:

The basis for most arguments against same-gender marriage and for Prop 8 (which would amend our California state constitution to eliminate marriage rights for Gay and Lesbian couples) boils down to:

The Bible doesn't approve of same-gender marriage.

Well, guess what?

The Bible doesn't approve of divorce. Or re-marriage after divorce.

What's missing from the arguments about Prop 8 is that we're not talking about religious groups being compelled to conduct religious weddings they don't agree with - this is about CIVIL marriage - our government's recognition of a couple's status as a family.

If the government is going to be involved in the institution of marriage at all (via recognition, licensing, and different financial and social rights and responsibilities for married people) it needs to do so without a religious filter.

The current law allowing Gay and Lesbian couples to marry in our State does not force or otherwise compel any Church or religious organization to recognize or perform same-gender marriages.

This is a clear case of religion overstepping its bounds by trying to impose religious beliefs against same-gender marriage into civil law.

Imagine if religion overstepped once again to impose its beliefs against divorce and subsequent remarriage into civil law. What if there was a referendum on the CIVIL legality of divorce and remarriage? What if we outlawed divorce?

It would seem that many religious conservatives have accepted divorce and remarriage - certainly there are many many examples of divorce from within their ranks. A recent Barna Study showed that:

Among married born again Christians, 35% have experienced a divorce. That figure is identical to the outcome among married adults who are not born again: 35%.

Multiple divorces are also unexpectedly common among born again Christians. Barna’s figures show that nearly one-quarter of the married born agains (23%) get divorced two or more times.

Why are these religious conservatives flexible in terms of allowing and accepting divorce, and have no flexibility in terms of allowing and accepting same-gender marriage?

The answer, I believe, is simple:

They don't want same-gender marriage for themselves.
But divorce? That works for them, thanks.

No matter what the Bible Says.

Interesting, isn't it?

Vote No on Prop 8.
Keep religious marriage and CIVIL marriage separate.

And if Prop 8 passes, watch out for Prop 8A - A referendum to amend our State Constitution to Eliminate Divorce.

The election is coming up on Tuesday - remember to join in and Blog The Vote!

To get involved with "Blog The Vote" - where kid and adult lit bloggers blog on Monday Nov 3rd about WHY it's so important to Vote on Nov 4, 2008, send an email with a url for your blog post to one of the three of us:

me leewind(at)roadrunner(dot)com

Colleen Mondor over at Chasing Ray colleen(at)chasingray(dot)com

Gregory K. over at Gotta Book blogthevote(at)gmail(dot)com

Colleen will be compiling a master list of posts - we'll pull a great quote from each one of your posts and add it with a link to the list.

Make sure you keep it nice - this is not the place for partisan mean-ness. (Anyone overstepping that guideline will not be included.)

Also, at the bottom of YOUR post, please include a link back to the master list over at chasingray (Colleen will have the master list up on Sunday, Nov 2, so it'll be easy to find.)

Thanks to Sarah Stevenson for the "Blog The Vote" Graphic - feel free to grab it and use it on your own posts!!!

We hope you join in!




Unknown said...

You are, of course, right about divorce.

I think Prop. 8 is only incidentally about marriage, if you ask me. It's really about one group of people being able to say they are better than another group. If we're allowed to legally marry, then we are basically legally equal, in California anyway.

web said...

Good points!

Anonymous said...

So - my only problem with this argument is that I do vote based on my religious beliefs, which include the equality of all people. And, yeah, I'm Christian.

I understand what you're saying, really, I do. I just think that to say that people's religious beliefs should have no part in civil government is ignoring the fact that they always will.

And yet, I do get the point that - for example - just because my religious beliefs allow for abortion doesn't mean that everyone's should or have to. It doesn't mean that abortion should be illegal.

So I'm not sure. Separation of church and state? Yes. No church body should dictate how the state should govern and no state should outlaw religions based on their inclusivity. Separation of faith and politics? That's a little harder. Would I believe, for example, that I needed to stand watch at the border (which I did when I lived in CA) to make sure the US government was treating Mexican workers fairly? Where else do my ethics come from?

Sorry, Lee, I'm just rambling. I don't have answers except that Prop 8 is ridiculous. :)

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed this post, Lee. The separation of church and state has been at the forefront of my mind ever since this particular fight began.

I enjoyed these comments, too! Good points, all.

Michael D Mobley said...

I hate to say this but I never looked at this issue like this. It makes sense though. If they want to have the state define marriage based on religious views then they also need to address divorce based on these same religious views.

I guess it's fortunate that we get to pick and chose what we want to belive from the bible instead of the whole bible. For those that profess to belive the bible at any rate.