Monday, September 12, 2011

GSA Monday: Manhasset High School's Gay-Straight Alliance "It Gets Better"

This was wonderful!

Now I want EVERY school's GSA to do a video!


ps - My thanks to Karol for sharing this with me so I could share it with all of you!


Jonathon Arntson said...

That was moving. I was in the GSA at my high school. There were twelve of us. My school had 2300 students. I was shy, even in front of those students who were most likely to understand me. I wish I had taken more advantage of my circumstance.

David LaRochelle said...

Wow. What a moving, and important, video. Those teachers and students in the video should all feel proud. The "It Gets Better" project fills me with so much hope! Thanks for spreading the word, Lee.