Friday, September 16, 2011

Diversity Countdown: Sarah Stevenson's "The Latte Rebellion"

Sarah Stevenson is the fourth and final panelist I'm highlighting in preparation for my panel discussion on diversity at the upcoming KidLitCon 2011 tomorrow Saturday September 17, 2011 - "Blogging Diversity: "Prejudice and Pride!"

Sarah Stevenson

Sarah's debut book is "The Latte Rebellion," about Asha, a senior in high school. When she gets called a "towel head" at a pool party,

"...the racist insult gives Asha and her best friend Carey a great money-making idea for a post-graduation trip. They'll sell T-shirts promoting the Latte Rebellion, a club that raises awareness of mixed-race students.

Seemingly overnight, their "cause" goes viral and the T-shirts become a nationwide fad. As new chapters spring up from coast to coast, Asha realizes that her simple marketing plan has taken on a life of its own-and it's starting to ruin hers. Asha's once-stellar grades begin to slip, threatening her Ivy League dreams, and her friendship with Carey is hanging by a thread. And when the peaceful underground movement turns militant, Asha's school launches a disciplinary hearing. Facing expulsion, Asha must decide how much she's willing to risk for something she truly believes in."

I really enjoyed reading about Asha's journey, and how at first the Latte Rebellion was just a way for her to make money, but then as she sees it touch a nerve in so many others, it starts to hit a nerve for her as well.

Sarah is also known as 'Aquafortis' (a regular commenter here!) and blogs about YA at Finding Wonderland, sharing her comics on writing (I particularly loved this one on plot) author interviews, and excellent (and detailed) book reviews. She also writes a more personal blog, Aqua Fortis.

An artist as well as a writer, Sarah is a huge force (the designer and webmaster and one of the reviewers as well) over at Guys Lit Wire, an incredible blog (for which I am also an occasional contributor) highlighting great books for teen guys.

I am so excited to have Sarah on the Diversity Panel!

And now you know more about her and her books, too - and with all four of these authors on tomorrow's panel, we all win!


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