I've been thinking a lot about what I would say if I were given five minutes on the main stage, in front of all these amazing creative people. If I were given a chance to give a mini-keynote.
And yeah, I totally made this photo up.

Here's what I'd say:
Hi Everyone. I'm Lee Wind, a blogger at "I'm Here. I'm Queer. What the Hell Do I Read?" and a member of SCBWI Team Blog. I'm an assistant Regional Advisor for Los Angeles, and I write middle grade novels.
Anne Sibley O’Brien, in a recent series of articles in the SCBWI Bulletin, brought our attention to the phenomenon of “white mind” – how many of us default our characters in our writing and illustrating to be white. I’d argue we also have “heterosexist mind,” where we don’t even realize we’re not including Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning characters in our writing and illustrating. Our princesses end up with princes. Our boy characters are attracted to girls, our girl characters are attracted to boys, the adults in our books are all straight, and we don’t even notice we’re doing it.
I’d like to advocate that we, as children’s content creators, become the engine for a re-education that gets people’s minds to include gay possibilities. That’s no more radical than suggesting that the universes of our books include the diversity of the world in which our children are already growing up.
Just as African-American children and Asian children, disabled children and foreign children, Latino children and Jewish children, fat children and deaf children, and every other group of “other” children do, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning children need that moment of seeing themselves reflected in the books they read.
Without seeing themselves in the stories they grow up with, how can they believe there’s a place for them in our world? Sadly, so many GLBTQ children don’t see a future for themselves. And not believing in a future is one cause of the tragic rash of gay teen suicides.
Before going any further, I need to debunk a devastating stereotype about what it means to be gay. Being attracted to someone of the same gender is NOT a choice. If you’re straight, was there a moment in your life when you CHOSE to be attracted to people of the opposite gender? We can’t convince ourselves to be attracted to Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie if that’s not what we find attractive. We can’t control or choose or change how our bodies are wired.
The dearth of positive portrayals of GLBTQ characters in children’s literature doesn’t keep GLBTQ children and teens from existing. But it does feed a culture where gayness is equated with second-class citizenship. It feeds a lack of self-esteem. It feeds a loss of hope.
You certainly don’t need to be GLBTQ to write a GLBTQ character – any more than you need to be male to write boy characters. Do your homework. Get your details right. And in the words of Jane Yolen: “H.O.P.” - get your Heart On the Page. Because, at the end of the day, GLBTQ characters have emotions and hopes and fears just like every other character. And if we can tap into OUR real emotions when we write them, they’ll ring true.
Ellen Wittlinger famously said (and I’m doing my best to make her famous for saying it) that she includes GLBTQ characters in everything she writes, even the books that aren’t about those characters, because they’re part of the world of her readers, and she wants her books to reflect that.
And for illustrators, there’s an equally important opportunity to open minds and hearts. Look at the amazing work of two-time Caldecott-Honoree Marla Frazee, whose illustrations to Susan Meyer’s words in their board book, "Everywhere Babies," includes an exhausted two mom family, right next to all the other racially diverse, exhausted parents.
I once asked a children’s illustrator if he had any gay content in his portfolio, and he reacted as if I’d asked if he had any pornography among his drawings. Look at Madge and Bernie Wubbington in Peter Brown’s "The Fabulous Bouncing Chowder." They may be heterosexual, but they’re not having sex. They’re sitting on a couch. Similarly, including GLBTQ characters doesn’t necessarily sexualize a book.
When we were talking at one of our GLBTQ Poolside Chats at a previous SCBWI Summer Conference, Arthur A. Levine brought up how simple it would be to include a two mom family in a Middle Grade work. One child character asks their friend if they can stay for dinner, and the friend can respond, "I just need to call my Moms and check." "Moms." As simple as making it plural.
I urge us all to consider including gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning characters and themes in our writing and illustrating for children. Include them in our picture books, our chapter books, our middle grade, and our young adult manuscripts. Include them in our magazine articles, our nonfiction, and in our art.
At the very least, we can contribute to a more respectful sense of safe space in our world – and in our literature – by not having characters disparage GLBTQ people with expressions like “that’s so gay” as toss-off moments of dialog – even if it’s what teens today say.
None of us would use the “N-word” carelessly in a children's book. Our culture has shifted to where racism is unacceptable. We haven't eliminated racism, but most of us try to stop it when we see it in action, and we would certainly rise up against its inclusion in books for children. We need to make homophobia unacceptable as well. I'm not arguing for censorship, but we should recognize that carelessly using words like “faggot,” “that’s so lame,” “retard,” and boys calling girls “bitch,” contributes to a culture where kids learn to build their own self esteem by putting others down. We need to change that power dynamic.
The goal is not tolerance. Or even acceptance. The goal is for us to be able to celebrate our differences.
And as creators of content for children, WE can help get our world there. We can make kids’ and teens’ lives better for having read and experienced our stories – all kids. Gay and straight.
We can make a difference. And we should.
If you want to talk more about including LGBTQ characters and themes in your writing and illustrating, join me and some amazing conference faculty members at our LGBTQ Poolside Chat, Friday August 5, 2011 from 12:45pm-2:00pm.
Thanks, and hope to see you there!
Now I want to know: What would YOU talk about if you got 5 minutes on the main stage?
This speech is an updated version of my writer's perspective column that was published in our local southern California SCBWI kitetales (Spring 2011).
Hooray! You get my standing ovation...
Great speech -- I wish you could make it in front of the conference. Heck, I wish you could make it in front of all kinds of audiences all across the country.
I think in particular the paragraph that starts:
I once asked a children’s illustrator if he had any gay content in his portfolio, and he reacted as if I’d asked if he had any pornography among his drawings.
Is a major sticking point for a lot of people. They just can't seem to decouple gay people from sex. In the debate about the ban on school teachers and staff mentioning the word "gay" in Tennessee, I saw way too many people arguing with great indignation that this was a perfectly good bill because there was no reason why elementary school teachers should be teaching kids about gay sex. :/ The idea that they could talk about gay people and not also be talking about sex at the same time was beyond their comprehension. Getting past that particular blockage would, I think, calm a whole lot of people down on the subject.
Getting them to get it, though, to actually decouple GAYSEX and LESBIANSEX in their minds, is going to be a job. Speeches like yours can help, as would more GLBTQ characters in kids' books. Because if we can't convert the entrenched conservatives, we can take a leaf from the sciences and know that the entrenched old guard will some day be gone and the younger generations will be in charge.
Amazingly written - who do we call to get you on stage?
Bravo, Lee!
I love this!
What a great idea to imagine what your 5 minute keynote would be, and this message would rock and have touched me as much as any I have hear so far (Sat evening). I hope such a message will be heard from the front at future conferences. Your poolside session certainly convinced me that one of my three siblings in my chapter book needs to be querying her sexual identity.
Really awesome blog post, Lee.
Glad you were able to give your speech after all. And the poolside lunch was great.
Lee, this is fantastic. I'm so glad I got to talk with you Monday evening. I'm a huge fan, and will continue to send readers your way! Bravo!
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