By Cris Beam
J always felt like a boy mistakenly born as a girl. And up until puberty, he'd pray to wake up as a real boy. But then his body started to betray him, and he just tried to be invisible.
But now he's almost 18, and after his best friend deserts him, he decides he's done hiding. It's time.
Time to transition to male.
Time to start at a school for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth.
Time to begin therapy so he can be approved for testosterone injections.
It's time to be who he really is.
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I loved this one! Chris Beam does an excellent job of balancing J's transition with other plot lines about family and pursuing your dreams so while this is definitely a story where gender identity is important, it's not the sole plot. Check out my full review at Bookish Blather
I am sooo looking forward to reading this book! There are a bunch of other people ahead of me on the hold list to get this book at the library, which I think shows how important this book is and how many people want to read it.
Thanks Lee
It sounds like a good read.
what an interesting plot. this looks like a great read. thanks for sharing!
adding another book to my TBR list....
I enjoyed I AM J--and I'm really glad to see more books about trans teens in the YA market.
A longer review on my blog.
I loved I am J. You can see my review here
I am J was okay. I enjoyed the balance between J's transition and other plats, and it was fairly well written. I did have a few complaints, though. The first one was that it seemed like there was every stereotype about FtM people ever in it. The whole "I'm not a lesbian" thing, when plenty of transmasculine people are out and proud lesbians prior to transition, learning to pee standing up, and hating the sound of your own voice. The one other thing that annoyed me was that J uses a type of Ace bandage binder in the book, but the dangers of ACe bandage binding isn't mentioned. This is an issue with a lot of FtM books. Binding with Ace bandages can constrict your ribs, cause fluid build up in your lungs, and diminish your lung capacity because they tighten every time you breathe. I get worried that some young FtM people will read the book and try Ace binding, then mess up their lungs without knowing the dangers.
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