Thursday, December 16, 2010

The End: Five Queer Kids Save The World

By Nora Olsen

Time Travel.

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Teen Heroes.

Saving the World...

Here's the author talking about her debut novel:

Congratulations, Nora! It's exciting when a devoted reader of this blogsite becomes one of our featured authors!

And add your review of "The End" in comments!


Sally Bibrary said...

This looks really interesting. I've set myself a goal of exposing myself to more YA queer lit for next year, so this might be just the book to get me started.

ivanova said...

Thanks so much for your post, Lee!

For anyone who is interested in scoring a free copy of The End, I'm doing a giveaway and you can enter to win at my web site (


Hayden said...

Isn't it great? I've got Nora's book in my e-reader. At the moment, I'm just finishing off reading an anthology, and I'll be diving into her novel. Hooray for LGBT teens and specfic! :D

Owen A. said...

Just finished reading this. It was entertaining, but didn't reach my (admittedly quite high) expectations. The trans representation was lacking in many ways, which is pretty unfortunate because that was one of the biggest reasons I chose this particular book to be the first thing I read on my shiny new Kindle.

I'd recommend it most for people who are bisexual, questioning, or straight, but I'm sure that it would appeal to lesbian and gay folks as well; I can think of better books for transgender people, but that doesn't guarantee that no trans people would like it.