Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Homophobia Smack-Down! A California High School's GSA and Their Varisty Flag Football Team Play A Game... And Help Change The World!

Here's a short video I made of the event:

My favorite moment of the game, outside watching all those teens dancing together, the jocks and the GSA-ers, was when a F.L.A.G. kid slipped during a play and fell to the grass. After the whistle blew, one of the varsity players hoisted him up with a smile. It was so natural. So friendly. So amazing.

They really all were playing for the same team!

Adam Waters (Crossroad School's GSA, or F.L.A.G., sponsor) and the F.L.A.G. club even had Adam Shankman and Jamal Sims, two nationally famous choreographers, come and prepare their players for the dance. Adam Shankman is a judge on So You Think You Can Dance, produced the Academy Awards this year, and recently directed the Rocky Horror episode of GLEE. Jamal Sims is another amazing choreographer who has worked on all the Step Up movies.

The event raised a lot of money for The Trevor Project, it built community, and for me, it gave me so much hope for the future.

I felt really honored to be there, and I'm so happy to get to share it with all of you.


1 comment:

ivanova said...

That's so cool! I love it!