Monday, December 6, 2010

My Article, "Blog Your Way From Hobby To Career" is published in Bruce Hale's amazing newsletter

I'm pretty excited. The incredible children's author (of Chet Gecko mystery fame), storyteller, and writing teacher Bruce Hale has this great monthly newsletter, and my article is the FEATURE of the November 2010 issue. Here's a teaser:


By Lee Wind

Ring. Ring.
"He-hello?" I stammer, having seen the New York area code on the
caller ID.
Can I speak with Lee Wind?
Heart pounding too loud to hear well, I switch the handset to my
other ear. "Speaking."
Lee, we love your book and- *record scratch*

Okay, that hasn't exactly happened to me. Yet.

But there is a line that I've managed to cross: from hoping to
someday be a writer to feeling like I am a professional writer
*today* - and having most people (including my tax guy) agree with
me on that.

I did it by blogging. Interested? Here's what you need to know:

Did I hook you? For the full article, sign up for Bruce's newsletter here!

And thank you, Bruce, for the platform and the opportunity!


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