Friday, August 28, 2009

Survey of U.S. College Football Players finds that HALF of them know they have a GAY teammate!

Check this out!

ESPN magazine asked 85 college [U.S.] football players if they had a gay athlete on their team.

While 49.4 per cent of all those surveyed said yes, this figure rose to 70 per cent among Pac-10 colleges, such as UCLA, Stanford and Oregon.

Okay, so how many of those gay college football athletes are out?


(Does anyone else hear the crickets?)

So, is it a football? Or is it a pig-leather wrapped closet door handle?

I'm glad these younger players know that Gay people are part of their teams and the world. It would be nice if these Gay players can start coming out, while they're playing (not after they retire from the NFL.) And their straight teammates need to come out at the same time, as supportive. That's how we'll move the culture of sports in the U.S.A. along!

Despite the deep closet, I confess to mixed emotions. I do think this survey is a sign that our world is changing, for the better.

The question we each need to ask ourselves is:

How can I help make the change happen?

And maybe the answer is as simple as this wonderful quote from Ghandi:

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

Come on. Let's be the change!


Here's the full article on the survey, from

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