Wednesday, August 12, 2009

#SCBWI09 Check out the flow of Magic and Fun from Lee's Twitter Feed!

And as the sparks and stars continue to fly from the magical concoction we all created in the SCBWI Summer Conference, I do feel that the stuff that went by on twitter was fantastic! So just to make sure you all have a taste of the amazing flow of events, here's a view of my personal twitter feed for the 4 day Blog-O-Rama!


And we're off! The conference begins... #scbwi09

Jay Asher and Ellen Hopkins dual words: "Banned Books!" #scbwi09 parade of faculty

Best conference attendee profession: "handsome rogue!" Lin Oliver's intro #scbwi09 the audience LOLed!

I had no idea that Sherman Alexie was so funny and heartfelt... Now I can't wait to read his award winning novel! #scbwi09

Standing ovation for Sherman Alexie! #scbwi09

Will David Wiesner use any WORDS in his keynote??? We'll find out in a second... #scbwi09

#scbwi09 Yes! David Wiesner speaks!

With Frankenstein movie clips! #scbwi09 David Wiesner rocks!

Don't miss a tweet! #scbwi09 SCBWI TEAM BLOG @PaulaYoo @leewind @jaimetem @suzanne_young #followfriday @alicepope @cuppajolie

#scbwi09 @EgmontGal use the Austin Powers accent when reading this: "Oh, Be-have!"

Over 400 conference attendees submitted manuscripts or portfolios for a professional critique! #scbwi09

@EgmontGal Elizabeth Law, manuscript critique critiqued: witty, insightful, kind... Thank You! #scbwi09

#scbwi09 Paula blogged the heck out of our GLBTQ craft &mktg discussion! 40 attendees participated

#scbwi09 Melinda Long session: 12 years of rejections before her first acceptance!

#scbwi09 Melinda Long tweet tip from her session: Tone is really about the vocabulary you use and how you put words together!

#scbwi09 Get your read hot (get it?) copies of CWIM 2010 at the bookshop!

@PaulaYoo : NaPiNoWriWee 2009 Reunion! Blog post is up! #scbwi09

RT @JennBailey Tweet-Up tonight. 9pm Lobby bar. #scbwi09

The tweet-up is jumping! Come hop with us! #scbwi09

This woman knows how to self promote! @jennbailey #scbwi09

RT @edithcohn: am stupidly tired but inspired. #scbwi09 Me three, but that's the best rhyme I can do for now.

#SCBWI09 OK, links in for my Friday "OFFICIAL" posts + extras here: More tomorrow (errr... later today!)

ALL my Links and PHOTOS for Yesterday's #SCBWI09 posts are UP!

@PaulAertker 3 minutes. Damn you, Paul! I have been out-tweeted! Aaaaaaaarrrrrrghhhhhhhhhh... Okay, I'm over it. Good morning!

RT @lkmadigan: If u ever have a chance to attend an Elizabeth Law talk ... Do it. She's funny & savvy. #scbwi09 YES!

What makes an extaordinary picture book pane in progress!

#scbwi09 What makes an extraordinary picture book panel, going on now!

#scbwi09 it took 6 and a half YEARS between Melinda's signed contract and the publishing date of her HIBAP PB!

#scbwi09 Melinda Long says she thinks in WORDS, not pictures. Interesting contrast with Eve's answer!

Lin Oliver really gets the POWER of fiction - in intro to Karen Cushman's Keynote - influence of strong girl characters! #scbwi

Karen Cushman quotes Margaret Mead in her keynote, "post-menopausal zest!" Awesome! #scbwi09

Karen Cushman: It's not write what you know, it's write what you WANT to know" #scbwi09

#SCBWI09 Linda Sue Park: "White space is like an invisible word that says, take a breath."

#SCBWI09 rapt session participants in Linda Sue Park's scene building workshop

#SCBWI09 Ellen Hopkins' 6th novel, Tricks, will be out this month!

Lin asked to give the agents a moment to gather their final thoughts- everyone whistled the Jeopardy theme song! LOL

Ingrid Law wrote Savvy and never wanted to use the word "magic" so it could apply to everyone if they want it to. #SCBWI09

Ingrid Law's great advice about doing a writing exercise: Be playful, Be creative, & don't think too hard! #SCBWI09

The bookishly blue butterflies arrive... With Max! #SCBWI09

#Scbwi09 Tracy, Kimberly, & Elizabeth discover that the moon is indeed made of... Well it's heady!

#scbwi09 Sarah Frances, Katie, & Stephanie look awesome in indigo!

@dulemba got her drink to match her dress... Or is it the other way around? #SCBWI09

#SCBWI09 Thalia goes glamourpuss and I feel the love!

Claudia Harrington (RA extraordinaire) goes blue with her posse! #SCBWI09

Mother Goose and the Goosettes! #SCBWI09

#SCBWI09 What a party! What a night! And oh boy, what a day we have ahead!

@PaulaYoo I can't wait to hear them! (Paula did a series of "conference attendee tips!")

#SCBWI09 updates from yesterday's conference sessions and pics from the Blue Moon Ball!

#SCBWI09 Jim Averbeck is giving great tips for writing for picture books!

@JennBailey Yes! I'd be honored! (Jenn had asked to use a screen shot of "I'm Here. I'm Queer. What the Hell do I Read?" to use in her conference session on how to do blogging right!)

@EgmontGal A first! Your PM Keynote will have 2 color commentators! @PaulaYoo & me. Mwa-huh-hah! #SCBWI09

#SCBWI09 The famous (Infamous?) Golden Kite Chicken! @Suzanne_Young thinks it's...

#SCBWI09 The Golden Kite Awards roll... Right Now!

#SCBWI09 "In real life there is no gifted program." Richard Peck makes the room ROAR.

#SCBWI09 spotted in the audience of Ellen Hopkin's session on voice: Her editor Emma Drydon!

RT @gregpincus: Day four of #scbwi09 Tired. maybe I'll keep my tweets to 130 characters today to conserve energy - LOL!

RT @PaulaYoo: #scbwi09 comment on our live blogs at www.scbwiconference.blogspo... We want 2 encourage a live interactive forum!

#SCBWI09 Day Four Element: Creative Fire!

@SCBWI09 Bonnie Bader's Pitch-A-Thon going on now!

@SCBWI09 Bonnie Bader Advice: Don't read your 10 minute long poem into an editor's voicemail!

#SCBWI09 Linda Sue Park wrote 4 historicals before she crossed genres to picture books.

#SCBWI09 great stuff on crossing genres!

#SCBWI09 Thank you, SCBWI, for the gift and acknowledgement! What an amazing experience, being part of SCBWI Team Blog!

#SCBWI09 conference is over. Home now. So much great stuff to process. Sleep first. Then,

RT @gregpincus Tomorrow (!!!) at 9 pm Eastern/6 pm Pacific, it's #kidlitchat. Hope to see many #scbwi09 folks there!

Awake. Blogging about #SCBWI09 Must visit conference blog to see what I missed!

#SCBWI09 My Day Four of the Summer conference Updates are UP!

#SCBWI09 4 Days. 5 Elements. The Alchemy of Magic: The SCBWI 2009 Summer Conference



Check out the links above, and of course, all the information on the official SCBWI Conference Blog! And come follow me on twitter!




Blogstradamus said...

I'm exhausted after reading your twitter feed - great coverage of the conference.

Shelli (srjohannes) said...

you rocked - it was so good meeting you! :)

Megan Frances Abrahams said...

Thanks, Lee. Your tweets are so pithy - they capture the essence. I've been deliberating about succumbing to Twitter temptation and you make a compelling case for it. Magic and fun indeed!

Jaime Temairik said...

You are the best, Lee.