Friday, October 23, 2020

The Dragon of Ynys - A Fairy Tale Novella with a Aromantic Asexual main character!

The Dragon of Ynys by Minerva Cerridwen

Every time something goes missing from the village, Sir Violet, the local knight, makes his way to the dragon's cave and negotiates the item's return. It's annoying, but at least the dragon is polite.

But when the dragon hoards a person, that's a step too far. Sir Violet storms off to the mountainside to escort the baker home, only to find a more complex mystery—a quest that leads him far beyond the cave. Accompanied by the missing baker's wife and the dragon himself, the dutiful village knight embarks on his greatest adventure yet.

Quite wonderfully, author Minerva explains, “This is the fairy tale I wish I could have had as a child. Now I’ve written it for all of us.” And in addition to the Aromantic Asexual main character, there are lesbian and trans supporting characters. 

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