Monday, October 19, 2020

GLSEN’s 2019 National School Climate Survey - Challenges, and a "Win" for Queer Kid and Teen Lit

GLSEN's mission is pretty awesome: "to ensure that every member of every school community is valued and respected regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression."

Towards being able to quantify that, GLSEN does this National School Climate Survey- the results for 2019 are in, and while the graphics are lovely, the data shows we have quite a distance to go to achieve that mission.

2 in 5 LGBTQ+ students of color were bullied or harassed based on race or ethnicity

86% of LGBTQ+ students were harassed or assaulted at school

84% of trans students felt unsafe at school because of their gender

What's the good news?
"Twenty years of research shows that dedicated support from teachers and staff, LGBTQ+ inclusive school policies, and continued investments in resources relate to better school outcomes for LGBTQ+ students. For example, the 62% of LGBTQ+ students who said their school had a GSA in 2019 felt safer, were less likely to miss school, and were less likely to hear homophobic or transphobic remarks."

GSAs change school dynamics and help shift the culture. 

And one other really nice piece of news: 

"Access to LGBTQ-related books and library resources increased in 2019 and was higher than all previous years"

Yay for Queer Kid Lit!

Check out the full report here.

Stay safe, all.

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