Monday, January 6, 2014

A Brilliant Video About How Women Face Double Standards (And How They Can't Let That Hold Them Back) - A GSA Mondays Post

We're back and it's 2014!

To get us started with today's GSA Monday post, this video about how women are perceived, as opposed to how men are, was really well done.

And the upworthiest post it was part of brought up that great study about how

"Business school students were given a case assignment on Heidi, a real-life successful entrepreneur in Silicon Valley. But there was a catch. Half of the class randomly received their case with one teensy tiny change made: The name "Heidi" was changed to "Howard." Afterward, the students were surveyed, and though Heidi and Howard were found equally competent (as they should have been because they are the same person), the students found Howard much more likeable."
You can find out more about the study in this great conversation Sheryl Sandberg (who's COO of Facebook and wrote the book "Lean In") had with Oprah.

Craziest thing - the video up top was an ad, for hair products! But I liked it, alot! Points to Pantene.

A great conversation-prompt to start the new year with, that's for sure.


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