Monday, January 27, 2014

The Bravest Knight Who Ever Lived - A Picture Book I Wish Had Been Read To Me When I Was A Little Kid

The Bravest Knight Who Ever Lived by Daniel Errico, illustrated by Mo Qovaizi

Cedric grows up a pumpkin farmer, dreaming of one day being a knight. Pretending with friends, he always saves the day, and is offered a flower by the rescued princess. He always kindly declines, just saying that isn't how the story ends.

Through brave adventures, Cedric's dreams come true - he ultimately becomes a knight, bests (but doesn't kill) a dragon, and saves royal siblings, a princess and a prince. And when the rescued princess asks to be his bride, we find out how Cedric's fairy tale truly ends.

A free video version of the picture book, being read, is here:

This book was published by the author, and how I wish it had been read to me when I was a little kid. Add your review of "The Bravest Knight Who Ever Lived" in comments!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the video for this book, but any way to get a paperback copy? I've only been able to find it for Nook. Thanks.