Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Superior - A teen lesbian dystopian coming-of-age/adventure/romance Novella

Superior by Zoe Amos

After the Water Wars led to Civil War II, Superior Protectorate established itself in what is now Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Two young women, Miss Kristian and Miss Rhona, will soon be of marrying age, but that means being tied to a hustand instead of each other--a forbidden prospect. Powerless to change the rules of a nation that supposedly protects them, the young lovers are thrust into a perilous journey in their quest for freedom and a life together.

The author, Zoe, is also a blogger at lesbian.com. Add your review of "Superior" in comments!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was pleased and impressed with the sweet love story of devotion in this lesbian romance. It is a fun and entertaining read, and based on my background in education, I think this novella has a place in high school curriculum. It has content which is timely and appropriate for discussions on gender equality, human rights, LGBT issues, utopian/dystopian societies, biotech, global warming, social studies. This novella belongs in schools and libraries!