Who?: Writers, Illustrators, Agents, Editors, Art Directors, (spouses and partners welcome...) anyone and everyone in the world of children's literature. And while it's in L.A., it's not just for us locals - no matter where you're from, you're welcome!
What?: Meet up for drinks and food and hanging out. (It's a pay-as-you-order event, very informal, and so much fun!)
When?: Sunday evening right after the SCBWI conference day's events have concluded. (Some folks will get there around 6pm, others closer to 7, depending on who's autograph you're trying to get at the giant autograph party...)
Where?: Across the street from the conference hotel, we'll be meeting up at Pink Taco in the Century City Mall, on the patio.
Why?: Because hanging out with our tribe ROCKS!
Hope to see you there!
See you there, Lee! Um. And everyone else!
Yes! See you there, Katie. And if you all want to RSVP (or invite others) via facebook, the event page is set up there:
Great! Can't wait. I missed the last one. Excited to attend this time.
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