Monday, February 22, 2010

Teen Voices Get Heard: Teens Who Blog!

So when I started blogging over two and a half years ago, the conventional "wisdom" was that while adults may blog for teens, teens themselves don't blog.

I don't think that's true anymore.

Here are 3 blogs, created with passion by teenagers. These blogs - these Teens - inspire me.

Ramblings by Adrienne, with the amazing tagline:

These are the very random ramblings of a fat/plus-sized, girl-loving, broadway-obsessed, flute-playing, homeschooled teenager.

Reading In Color by Ari. This blog is so professional in its focus, execution and fierce advocacy of characters of color in teen fiction that it blows me away every time I'm there.

That's So Happy by Johnny
. An ally of the Queer community, Johnny started his blog to focus on Gay equality. In his own words:
I named my blog "That's So Happy" because the phrase "That's so gay" is thrown around a lot. The word "gay" means happy. So what you're really saying is "That's So Happy." I hope one day this will be true.

Go check these blogs out. Follow them. Show them we're listening to their voices.

And I want to know: What teen blogs inspire you? Share in comments!

Or, if you are a teen who blogs, share with us what you're doing!



Charlie said...

Ari is definitely an inspiration. She has a strong point of view and blogs about an issue that's often overlooked, even by adults. I think it's important to question what's being written (or what isn't being written!) for teens and she's doing a great job. Teens have been blogging for years, but it's a lot like IRL, we live in a seperate world from grownups and those worlds rarely meet haha. I think it's great you decided to feature teen bloggers on your blog, and I hope to see more in the future.

ivanova said...

Wow, those are amazing blogs! I'm pretty impressed.

One of my favorite blogs is Luke's Reviews. I don't know if this Luke is a teenager, but he is a college student, and he does really thorough and well-written reviews of new science fiction books.

Paul Greci said...

Thanks for introducing me to these blogs!

Whimsy said...

I was just thinking that there are very few teen blog authors, and as a fellow teen blogger myself, that I would love to find some to follow! Well, this post took care of that!
As always, I love to see your entries, and thanks!

Jonathon Arntson said...

Lee, amazing post. Are you considering making a segment out of this?!

Lee Wind, M.Ed. said...

Hi Jonathon - yes, I'd love to make this a on-going segment... I just need to continue to find cool teen blogs that inspire me...

Thanks all for your encouragement and kind words for these teen bloggers!


Lee Wind, M.Ed. said...

thanks for the Luke's Reviews link - he actually has a new blog up at
and it seems like a great resource!

Charlie - I agree, it is alot like the real world, except this: with blogging, teens are on equal footing with adults and everyone else. In a cool way, blogging is more of a meritocracy, where if you do it right, you've a darn good chance of doing well - irrespective of who you are or how old you are!

Thanks to Paul and Whimsy for the enthusiasm, too1


Charlie said...

Lee, I started blogging when I was 11 and I've met my fair share of condescending adults, but I've also connected with some pretty amazing adults who were able to give better advice and feedback than most people I meet in my everyday life, including teachers etc.

Whimsy, what's your blog URL? It doesn't show up on your profile. I'd love to follow your blog.

Jennie Englund said...

Good for these teens for celebrating their First Amendment!

Thanks for sharing!

Maggie Desmond-O'Brien said...

Wow - these blogs are amazing! I'm already a follower of Reading in Color, but Ramblings and That's So Happy are news to me.

I'm a 15-year-old blogger - mine is very egocentrically named "Maggie's Bookshelf" - and I love finding new teen blogs to follow! (My URL, by the way, is

Thank you so much for posting this! This would make a fantastic segment! :-)

MissA said...

Thanks so much for featuring me Lee. And thank you for bringiing my attention to these wonderful other bloggers. I LOVE the idea behind That's So Happy, I'm now following :) I'll have to go check out Ramblings.

Aw thank you Charlie. I can't believe you've been blogging since 11! whoa.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for introducing me to That's so Happy and to Ramblings, Lee. Loving them! I'm always in awe of teenagers that are so proactive. I don't necessarily know them personally, but I'm so proud of them.

Adrienne said...

Aww, I "inspire" you?
Shucks Lee, you're making me blush!

Johnny said...

Thank you, Lee!

kittens not kids said...

I just found Charlie's blog and it's phenomenal.

I feel pretty envious, really, because when I was a teenager, I would have loved a way to connect with people beyond the small suburb I lived in.

I'll try to check in on some of these other teen blogs - this is a great idea, Lee, and I hope you do keep this up as an ongoing segment.

Luke Forney said...

Holy cow! Call me Mr. Late to the Party! Thank you for all of the kind words about my website, I just came across this page when I was doing some looking at where my traffic was coming from and where I was linked from. Luke Reviews went through a down period while the trials of finishing school, getting a job, and being an adult pressed in, but it is back up and running for those who are interested. I'm so glad that you enjoyed it!