Monday, February 15, 2010

The British Football Association (That's Soccer for us Yanks) Pulls an Ad to Combat Anti-Gay Hate Speech

Check this report out - It's kinda cool that the Brits are trying to deal with anti-gay slurs from fans. And it's really sucky that they're now afraid to run the ad...

What do you think? How do we get homophobia out of sports? Do you think this ad would help?

Talk about it with your GSA. Or here, in comments!



Charlie said...

I think they're cowards for not running this ad. They're so afraid of insulting the public, yet gay people ARE part of the public and have to deal with this every single day. I don't think there's a lot that can be done in professional sports, it has to start much earlier. As long as boys are being raised to be tough and aggressive, and to fear anything that's even remotely gay, this kind of behaviour won't go away. A lot of angry, frustrated guys unload their frustration at games. I guess they don't know how to get rid of it any other way.

Charlie said...

I forgot one thing, alcohol. When a guy goes to a game drunk he'll say and do a lot of things he wouldn't normally say or do.

Jonathon Arntson said...

Wow, I honestly don't know how I feel about that...

On the one hand, I like that people are doing something about it, but then on the other, I am concerned people will dismiss that particular ad as brazen.

If anything like that were to be successful, it seems the UK would be the place. That would never work here.

fairyhedgehog said...

It looks like a useful ad. Who was the guy who said they'd go ahead with it anyway, even if the FA pull out?

LSkeers said...

Thanks for the great blog! I've read a lot of the books you've mentioned. ALMOST PERFECT was fantastic -- keep up the good work!

ivanova said...

For my American sensibilities, the ad is a bit abrasive but I think it might be fine for Britain where everything on the telly is a bit edgier. I think it's sad that they may pull it, and I agree that it's a bit of an "own goal." It was sad to hear the gay rights dude saying that he has counseled two gay/bi players to stay in the closet. This is probably a very realistic piece of advice in terms of their careers, but it's depressing.