Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sappho Sings

By Peggy Ullman Bell

"Sappho Sings" is a work of historical fiction, that tells the life story of Psappha (what she called herself), growing from a girl... to a woman who became the most famous poet of her time.

While precious little of Psappha's poetry survives (though she was incredibly famous, even centuries after her death), Peggy feels like she captured the spirit of the "Tenth Muse" when she created new poetry, in the style of Psappha.

Here's a taste:

Tomorrow is as nothing. Yesterday is gone. There is only here and now and dreaming to fill my empty hours. Though people crowd around me, demanding my attention, I still float, within my soul, into your arms. She is. I am. We are. All else is mere charade. Why was I not born singly, like others that I know? Duality lies heavy on my soul.

Check out this interview with the author here. "Sappho Sings" is clearly a work of passion, as Peggy spent over 35 years researching and writing it. An earlier edition, "Psappha," was published by UpStart Press in 2000. "Sappho Sings" is self-published.

Add your review of "Sappho Sings" in comments!


Anonymous said...

Excellent and well deserved review and coverage of this fine book. And thanks for including my review on the linked interview page (smile).

Marvin D Wilson

Bonita H said...

Why don't many young people read poetry anymore?


P.S. You have been nominated for an award!