Thursday, September 4, 2008

Fat Hoochie Prom Queen

By Nico Medina

Margarita "Madge" Diaz is fat, flamboyant, and hates Bridget Benson (the "perfect" student body president.)

The anti-loving is mutual.

See, Madge and Bridget were both child actors, and now as seniors, they've met again at their posh High School.

They face off and decide O.K. Corral-style that they'll compete to be named Prom Queen - one wins, and the other backs off for good.

Okay, an outrageous book about two straight girls who both want to be prom queen. Why am I including it here?

Well, there's Madge's "right-hand homo" (gay best friend), Lucas.

There's the attitude. Lines like:

"Welcome to the fucked-up, crazy story of how Bridget Benson turned mild-mannered me into a hateful rage-o-maniac hell-bent on changing the face of "prom queen" forever!! (Yes, that was a DOUBLE exclamation point!!)

And let's face it: a no-holds barred battle-of-the-bitches to be Prom Queen? Now that's Queer!

Add your review of "Fat Hoochie Prom Queen" in comments!


Rie Selavy said...

I'm reading an ARC of this one now. I'm loving Madge's attitude, but I'm getting a bit tired of the Fabulous Gay Friend (tm) trope. Seeing more queer characters in YA lit is awesome, but I've seen it done less-than-skillfully more often than not.(Vibes, Fancy White Trash, I'm looking at you.)

And hey, where are the fabulous lesbian friends? The only one I can think of is Val's best friend in Holly Black's Valiant.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this book, but not as much as Medina's first book.