Monday, July 14, 2008

Becoming Chloe

By Catherine Ryan Hyde

Jordy, 17 and gay, has run away from a life of abuse at home. Homeless in New York City, he rescues Chloe, 18, a lost soul struggling to cope with her horrible past and the intense depression she's trapped in.

Together, they take a cross country journey where Jordy tries to prove to Chloe that the world does has beauty and kindness in it - something he's not even sure of himself.

Add your review of "Becoming Chloe" in comments!

1 comment:

Brian Farrey said...

Catherine Ryan Hyde hits and misses with me (usually more misses than hits) but I really enjoyed this book. Both Jordy and Chloe were convincing characters that I cared about. Their odd relationship is what really sells this book.