Monday, February 8, 2016

It's OFFICIAL! I've sold my first book!


I am so excited to finally get to share this news. Here it is, in the February 8, 2016 issue of Publisher's Weekly:

This issue

Inside, on page 9, is something crazy-wonderful:

This page

Here's a close-up:

This announcement!

Here's what it says. And yeah, I'm fighting back tears as I type this. Happy tears.

Wind Takes 'Queer History" to Aladdin
Lindsay Brown at Aladdin's Beyond Words imprint nabbed world English rights to Lee Wind's nonfiction middle grade book, The Queer History Project: No Way, They Were Gay? Wind is a writer and LGBTQ activist—he's behind the popular blog "I'm Here. I'm Queer. What the Hell Do I Read?"—and was represented in the deal by Danielle Smith at Red Fox Literary. Smith said the book will "explore surprising LGBTQ loves and lives across time and around our world." The Queer History Project is set for a September 2017 publication.

Beyond Words is a super-cool imprint of Simon & Schuster, and I'm so so so so so so so excited!

My 11-year journey so far in children's literature has been a roller coaster of hope and rejection and working on my craft and encouragement and then rejection and hope again... I know the ride will continue to twist and turn and even loop-de-loop, but knowing I've sold a book (!) means I will probably have this silly grin on my face for the rest of the ride!

Most of all, this book of LGBTQ profiles and primary sources matches my mission that I printed out and hung on the wall above my desk some seven years ago:

"My mission is to write the books that had I read them as a kid would have changed my life."

Had I known just one of these true stories of men who loved men, women who loved women, or people who lived their lives outside gender boundaries...

Had I known that Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, was in love with another guy, Joshua Fry Speed, and gotten to read some of Lincoln's letters to Joshua.

That Shakespeare, William Shakesepeare, wrote over 120 Sonnets—love poems—to a young man, and gotten to read some of them.

That Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi, was in love with a German-Jewish architect, Hermann Kallenbach, and gotten to read the contract between them pledging "more love and yet more love... such love as, they hope, the world has not seen."

I didn't come out as a gay man until I was in my mid-twenties. A book like this, like my The Queer History Project: No Way, They Were Gay?, would have changed EVERYTHING for me. So since I don't have a time machine, I'm writing it for young people today.

I'm writing it for every LGBTQ young person out there so that they can be authentic now.

I'm writing it for every hetero and cis-gendered young person out there so they know that our history—the world's history—is full of amazing men who loved men, incredible women who loved women (like Eleanor Roosevelt and Frida Kahlo), and remarkable people who lived their lives outside gender boundaries (like the Pharoah Hatshepsut and Christine Jorgensen.)

I'm writing it for every LGBTQ adult who, like me, never learned any of this in school,

and for every hetero and cis-gendered adult willing to consider that it's just not that likely that everyone famous and important in history was hetero and cis-gendered, too.

I'm writing my book to change the world.

And it's going to be published by Beyond Words/Aladdin/Simon & Schuster!

There's a huge circle of people to thank, and most of those appreciations will come later. For now, three THANK YOUs that can't wait:

Thank you, Danielle!

Danielle Smith of Red Fox Literary is my literary agent, champion, and friend. I'm so grateful to have you with me on this journey!

The news is sparkling, and so is the photo!

Thank you to my awesome kid! No one has been more excited (or encouraging) about this. I'm so blessed to be your Papi.

The smiley face inside the "d" makes my congratulations note even sweeter!

And thank you to my words-can't-really-express-it-but-I-keep-trying-wonderful husband. Your love gives me wings!
Best. Guy. Ever!

And one more appreciation that can't wait -- to you, reading this. Thank you for being part of my fantastic community, and for letting me shout my news from the rooftops:


One more 'Thanks!' to my Dad for the celebratory bottle of Champagne!


ivanova said...

AWESOME!!!! :)

Tanya said...

Congratulations Lee! What a fantastic piece of news! I am celebrating over here and can't wait to get my hands on the finished product.

Linda Joy Singleton said...

I am so happy for you!!! I'm with Red Fox, too (Abi) so I'm thrilled for our agency. Your book is going to help so many people. CONGRATS!

Kimberly Sabatini said...

This makes me so happy! Congrats, Lee!!!!! <3

AHAviews said...

Wonderful news! Congratulations! Can't wait to read it.

Angie said...

What completely awesome news! Congrats! I'm straight and cis, but I'd have loved reading that book when I was a kid. And I expect to love reading it as an adult, when it comes out. :)


OnlyAnnie said...

Congrats Lee! This is well deserved and I'm happy for you!

Robin Stevenson said...

Great news! I have followed your blog for years and am really looking forward to seeing your book. You have done so much to support LGBTQ books and young people, and I am so very happy to see your success. Congratulations.

emma d dryden said...

So so so proud of you and so so so excited for you and for this book!
Cheers, dear Lee!

Yvonne Ventresca said...

Congratulations! Wonderful news!

jama said...

THRILLED for you, Lee! Thank you for writing this much needed book. Heartfelt Congrats!!

Melissa Stewart said...

Woo-hoo! I can't wait to read the book. 2017 isn't that far away.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Lee!!!
I'm so happy for you.

Here's to many more…
*lifts champagne flute*

CL said...

Wonderful!!! what a great feeling...and it sounds like a much needed, fascinating read!!

Anonymous said...

The BEST. ****** LOVE love LOVE ****** and Congratulations!!!! Love love Love.

Sherrie Petersen said...

Congrats, Lee! That's great news. SO excited for you!

Mary said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Yes, I'm shouting, Lee! So happy and excited for you!

Laurie L Young said...

So thrilled for you and all the people who have been waiting for this book. You will change lives. xoxoxo

Sylvia Liu said...

Amazing! congratulations, Lee! Sounds like a great book.

Debbie Ridpath Ohi said...


Mary Malhotra said...

Congratulations!!! In addition to helping LGBTQ kids see themselves in history and in the future, you have helped me and legions of other writers with their own journeys to professionalism and a chance at publication. I am beyond thrilled to congratulate you on this happy day!

KarolinaS said...

As if your good news itself could not have been more awesome...then you go ahead and write this stunning post about it! I am so thrilled for you and so proud of you and so grateful to have a human being of your magnitude in my life....I can barely contain the swell of good feelings that you, your book-to-be and, in particular, this post has crated in my heart. BRAVO on all counts, my friend!

CS Perryess said...

The world needs this book.

Mira Reisberg AKA The Picture Book Whisperer said...

I absolutely love this!!! Am so truly happy for you (and the world of kid lit)!

Lee Wind, M.Ed. said...

I'm grateful for all your comments, and the outpouring of cheers and support here and on twitter and on facebook! Thank you, one and all! You are my community and it means SO much to me.

April Halprin Wayland said...

YOU DESERVE THIS, LEE! You hiked every uphill, muddy step of the way. Breathe that clean mountain air! <3

Daisy Porter said...

Lee, congratulations! That's super-awesome. Can't wait to read it.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! This post of pure joy and gratitude and pride just put a huge smile on my face. I'm at the beginning of my writer journey but reading things like this give me such confidence to keep moving forward on the train. Congrats! Congrats!

Suzanne said...

Super awesome! Congrats!!

HATBOOKS Author Holly Thompson said...

Lee, you are an inspiration. Your perseverance is so impressive. I'm toasting you from Japan! Bravo! Can't wait to see this book!

Unknown said...

Well-deserved, Lee! I can't wait to read the book~ And I so admire your not-so-simple mission to change the person and one story at a time! With Love from your big brother

Jeanette Bradley said...

Congratulations! What wonderful news! (And I didn't know about any of those three men- wow! Can't wait to read it!)

Suzanne Lewis said...

Thanks for inspiring me to keep on keeping on. Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Found your blog through my email subscription to Publisher's Weekly, and I got to say, your book sounds great! It's absolutely the sort of thing I wish I could have read when I was young and confused and looking so desperately for role models. I had to drop in to say congratulations myself, and let you know that seeing author like you and books like this get published makes me so happy to work for the industry I do. I hope the bookstore I work for gets ARCs, I really want to read it!

Lesley Hyatt said...

Lee! Just learned this news from So Cal SCBWI blast. WHOO HOO!!! I am so happy to the this wonderful news. You are, indeed, the PERFECT man for this book. Miss you, friend, and thinking of you often. Love, Lesley

Sarah Stevenson said...

This year has just been so crazy--I'm only now getting to this post and to congratulating you, although I'd heard something about this a while back. The book sounds fantastic, and I am so thrilled for you! YAY!!