Monday, January 7, 2013

A Year To Use Our Power For Good: Josh and Brent from The Amazing Race Do Something Amazing For A Gay Teen

This is the perfect story to get us going in 2013!

If you followed The Amazing Race last season, you know about the gay couple, Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell, and their amazing run on the show...  (if you're concerned about spoilers, go watch the finale on your DVR and then come back.)

After the season finished, Josh and Brent were the recipients of a lot - A LOT - of fan mail, and one letter was particularly moving, from a mom:

“I’m sure you guys are way too busy to read this, but I want you to know how inspirational you two are to my 12 year old son. He is gay and is dealing with bullying and harassment in middle school. ...Thank you for helping him see that not only DOES it get better, it gets AMAZING.” 

Well Josh and Brent contacted the other racers from their season, and they all put together a message for Colin:

Colin, You're Amazing

There are photos of ALL the contestants holding up signs telling Colin that he is amazing!

James and Jaymes, the Chippendales
Nadiya & Natalie, the Twinnies



It's pretty remarkable.

Josh and Brent wrote,

We were called the “Ultimate Underdogs” on the Amazing Race. And when we hit the finish mat, we urged everyone who feels like they’re down-and-out to “keep going, try as hard as you can, eventually someone will help you – and you will win.”

Go see all the pictures and read more at Josh and Brent's blog!

So here's to a new year of using our voices (our platforms, our blogs, our moments of fame, our books, in line in the cafeteria, everywhere...) to make the world a better place!

Here's to a wonderful and empowering New Year!


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