Thursday, November 17, 2011

Morning Rising - A YA fantasy adventure with a lesbian love story

By Samantha Boyette

"In the ever present dusk of Inbetween, Kara Hart wakes up dirty and alone with the memory of a girl named Dylan. She remembers meeting Dylan and how her heart beat when Dylan touched her face, but nothing else. When Kara is sent to Demitar, the evil ruler of Inbetween, the truth is revealed. She is Dylan’s Guardian and neither of them are who they thought they were.

Set in a darker version our own world, Morning Rising follows Kara as she tries to save Dylan from Demitar’s clutches. She is given three days to find Dylan and get her out of Inbetween before she belongs to Demitar forever. Memories must be regained and powers restored if they have a chance of escaping. Each memory and sighting of Dylan helps Kara remember the love they once shared. If only she can help Dylan remember before it’s too late."

Self-published by the author for the nook and kindle, you can read the first two chapters of "Morning Rising" here. And add your own review in comments!


Sally Bibrary said...

I had a chance to review this earlier in the week. Darker than I expected, but very well-done . . . I quite enjoyed it.

Jaye Robin Brown said...

Love the sound of this book. Another reason to break down and buy a Kindle.

Lee - you may be interested in this link - a gay straight alliance held the first meeting in rural NC county - see the interview outside the meeting with protestors here:

Samantha Boyette said...

Thanks for the plug, sorry I am late in finding it! The book is also available in paperback now as well through Amazon and