Children's books author/illustrator Katie Davis has the number one children’s publishing podcast on itunes, and recently we sat down for an actual meal together, during which she recorded our conversation. And that conversation is now Katie’s Brain Burps About Books Podcast Episode #43, rather flatteringly titled: “Lee Wind, Blogger Extraordinaire.”
Katie and I chat about a whole bunch of great stuff, including:
This blog - and how I’ve just passed half a million visits!
The ALA’s list of the top ten most challenged books of 2010 (with shout-outs about “And Tango Makes Three,” “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian,” and “Crank” by Ellen Hopkins.)
Our mutual love of SCBWI
And during our lunch (and this podcast) I even did my SCBWI Team Blog video interview of Katie, who is going to be on faculty at this summer’s 40th annual SCBWI international conference in Los Angeles! My team blog interview of Katie (the video) will be posted on this blog in the next couple of weeks...
We also spoke about my amazing experience being mentored by Emma Dryden as part of the SCBWI Nevada Mentor Program, with shout outs to Suzy Williams and Ellen Hopkins for creating the program!
We got into the ideas of innovation and how failing fast gets you to success faster, and one great example of innovation we mentioned was Greg Pincus’ Poetry Spread The Word Kickstarter project – which was just successfully funded!
...and we even managed to bring up Jane Yolen in a pirate hat - and there's a picture!
So give it a listen while you’re having lunch (or riding your stationary bike, or doing something else for 40-some delicious minutes) and enjoy the discussion!
ps: Blogger was out of commission there for a while, which is why this post is coming online so late. Thanks for your understanding!
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