Thursday, November 11, 2010

Love Drugged - A Gay Teen Book With A Homophobia Theme

By James Klise

Jaime's a freshman in High School. He's gay but deeply closeted.

When a classmate learns his secret, Jaime panics and gets involved with hottie Celia as a cover - and that leads him to discover that her doctor dad is developing an untested drug - these pills that are supposed to "cure" homosexuality. Jaime steals some of them.

And he starts taking the little blue pills... and his relationship with Celia heats up.

Only now Jaime has to keep stealing them.

And in the middle of his pill-popping and girl-dating, he starts crushing on this guy Ivan, which is definitely NOT part of the plan.

There's a good article in the Chicago Tribune on the author (a high school librarian) here. And you can add your review of "Love Drugged" in comments!


Unknown said...

This looks AMAZING. What a fantastic premise - the moral conflicts are blazing from the get-go.

BookChic said...

I loved this book! Here's the link to my review, which was posted during my GLBT Week last month-

Lee Wind, M.Ed. said...

great review! Thanks for the link,

Unknown said...

I finally got my hands on this one! I was really impressed with how well Klise handled the subject - it could have gone down the wrong track (either terribly offensive or terribly maudlin) and instead stayed very true and realistic, even when the main character is making painful decisions! My full review is now posted at Bookish Blather