Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tim Gunn's message to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning Youth: IT GETS BETTER!

Tim's right. It gets better.

If you need help with where you are on your journey, check out The Trevor Project. You're not alone. People DO care. Like Tim. And myself. And so many others...

Thank you, Tim, for speaking from your heart and sharing so honestly.

Tim "made it work" - and found that life got better.

Dan Savage and his husband Terry got through their teen years and also found that life got better.

That's my experience, too. Believe us. IT GETS BETTER!

Be good to yourselves.


Thanks to Daniel for the link!


Unknown said...

What a testimony to anyone who is suffering! Thank you, Lee, for passing this message along and for Tim Gunn for opening his heart.

Sarah Laurenson said...

I just love Tim.

Too bad he's a man, and we're both gay, and I'm married. ;-)

Sara W.E. said...

Yay for Tim Gunn! He is awesome and wonderful for speaking out. And also very very right.

kittens not kids said...

Tim Gunn's video got me all choked up and teary when I first saw it. ALL the "it gets better" videos have been moving to me, but somehow, Tim's just really got me. I'm a fan of Project Runway, and I love and admire Tim - he's always struck me as an intelligent, witty and compassionate man, as well as an outstanding mentor/educator. To hear such revelations from someone I so deeply admire, revelations made to help other people - I'm getting teary just thinking about it.

The dignity and commitment and class and wit that Tim Gunn displays consistently should be an example to us all; knowing the kind of struggles he's overcome to BE such an admirable person really is a testament to the idea that "it gets better."