Monday, August 9, 2010

Save Los Angeles Public Libraries: Author & Librarian Erica Silverman on how Writers owe a lot to our libraries

Erica Silverman is one of my daughter's favorite authors, and one of my favorite people. A children's book author who's written amazing picture books like "Don't Fidget A Feather"

as well as the completely lovable chapter book series "Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa,"

The latest installment of which has Cocoa, Cowgirl Kate's horse, deciding he wants to live in the best stall of all - the family's kitchen! (That's Horse in the House.)

***correction - #6 just came out this Spring, "Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa: Spring Babies"


Erica is also a part-time librarian, with a front-row seat of the crisis facing the city of Los Angeles' libraries.

I saw her at the Society of Children's Books Writers and Illustrators recent 2010 Summer Conference here in Los Angeles, and she told me something stunning about the value of libraries.

So stunning, I asked her to tell me it again on video. She did, and here it is:

Thanks, Erica, for putting it in terms that are very concrete:

Libraries are critical for writers, for our children, and for our society.

Find out what you can do to help!




Alexis O'Neill said...

Great stats from Erica - a wonderful writer, teacher, librarian and human being.

Anonymous said...

Stunning figures. And moms also owe a lot to our libraries. When my kids were younger I took out ten picture books a an average cost of hmmm maybe 12 bucks a book....well let's just say if I'd been buying them, my kids would be a lot less literate than they are today.

Laurie L Young said...

Thanks Lee, for getting this on tape. It sure puts the value of libraries in perspective. As a child I practically lived in the library and might not have my love of books if I hadn't had access to so many, so easily.