and we're not a single drop of water anymore. We're a community!
205 of you signed up for this year's Comment Challenge both here and at MotherReader's amazing blog! And even if you're not officially signed up and you're just paying more attention and making more of an effort to comment, we want to know:
So how's it going?
Have you been commenting?
Is it going consistently, or is it more fits and starts?
Are you getting more comments on YOUR blog?
Here's how my week went as far as my leaving comments:
Friday, Jan 8 - 10 comments (I was really excited!)
Saturday, Jan 9 - 6 comments
Sunday, Jan 10 - no comments (I was crazy-busy setting up for Monday's e-book launch)
Monday, Jan 11 - 5 comments (Okay, I can do this...)
Tuesday, Jan 12 - 7 comments
Wednesday Jan 13 - 7 comments
Thursday, Jan 14 - zero comments so far, but hey, it's 3 AM here!
Total comments in Week One: 35
But I did it - I'm in the zone with 5 comments per day.
I discovered some great new blogs, and visited some old favorites.
How about you? How's it going?
let me know by... you guessed it! leaving a comment.
My comment total so far is 34, I haven't made any comments yet for today, day 7, except this one, so 35 so far!
I usually comment at night. (I couldn't resist this morning. I wanted to be first!) I don't have access to blogs from work and I'm fairly busy in the morning. I am spending much more time on reading my blogs than before and this is leading to one downside - I have read fewer books this week than usual.
I have received several comments! Not a deluge, but more in one week that I had in the past few months. That's very nice.
I'm heading to Boston tomorrow morning and I'm not sure that I'll be able to maintain the momentum. We'll see.
I have a full roundup of my week over at Dwelling in Possibility--short version is that the Comments Challenge has inspired me to get more involved in the community, look at new blogs, and has sent more readers/commenters to my blog as well! Onward!
I have connected with some bloggers I hadn't met--that's great. I'm at 33 right now. I'm sure I'll comment a few times this morning. Thanks Lee for the push!
Lee, checking in with 36 comments left for the week. Yippee. I love the photo, good choice. I discovere the "TBR" challenge through the comment challenge. so thanks for leading us.
Here's me:
Jan 8 - 5 comments
Jan 9 - 5 comments
Jan 10 - 0 comments
Jan 11 - 2 comments
Jan 12 - 0 comments
Jan 13 - 0 comments
I think that my school/rehearsal schedule is such that I need to adjust my goal, so I think I'm going to take a hint from my average so far and shoot for 2 comments a day from here on out for a total of 42 at the end of the challenge.
posted for Melissa Noeth, http://mnoeth.typepad.com/
Melissa Noeth
My comment: I only have time to post 1, rather than the 5, a day. But I'm really enjoying learning abt & reading the blogs of other children's writers/illustrators. I'm new to kidlitosphere (& actually just realized I'm not an official member). I'm greatly enjoying learning about & becoming more a part of the kidlit community.
It is going well - I'm averaging 5 a day, but you need another stat - books added to my TBR list! I seem to pick up a couple titles I want to read from each blog! I am getting new visitors as well, which is great fun.
I will be slowing down as I attend ALA this weekend, but will pick it back up next week.
Hey everyone - sounds like it's really working! I applaud you all - and think that a new habit of commenting even once a day can create a BIG shift in your sense of belonging to this great kid lit community!
And Amy - I think you're right - you totally had me LMAO about the TBR pile... I keep jumping over to my library's website to put books on hold, but haven't been keeping track...
but now I will!
Keep going everyone, and enjoy The Comment Challenge!
I was late to the party, so I've only been doing it since Tuesday, and I've found the ripple effect in full force. I've been weaving the comment time into my work schedule, so I have to say it is in fits and starts.
But I must say, It has forced me back to blogging, and back to the world of Kid Lit. It was great to get to two So Cal Kid Lit Events this week - the Writer2Writer, and the westside schmooze... Good discussion about the nuances of Grumpy Bird! :)
I posted 10 - 12 kidlit comments everyday except Tuesday - but I left home at 6am and didn't get in until midnight...I'm trying to resist adding the blogger ap to my phone...
Best part -I've revisited some blogs I haven't read in awhile and I'm really enjoying them & found some new ones too!
Well, I just signed up for this because I thought it would be a great motivator for my New Years Resolution to be a better blogger and blogger reader. I've a looooong ways to go to catch up, but I love a challenge! (total so far- 5, including this!)
I think I'm up to 40-45 comments, but I'm not really counting. I comment because it's fun, not because I feel obliged to :) It's a great challenge and I've found lots of cool blogs and people. I've been getting more visitors to my blog too, which is nice. It's not a book blog and I wasn't expecting a lot of comments. Happy Birthday, sorry it's a bit late!
I'm at 28 for the week. Maybe I'll get a few more in tonight. I love it! It's fun to reconnect and it's fun to find new friends. I've LOVED having new people stop by Cuppa Jolie. :)
Thanks again!
Yikes! The pressure! I think I needed more caffeine to keep up with it. Made about low-20-something comments.
But I got a lot, and new followers, too, especially on my "Glee" post.
I am loving this challenge. I've found so many great new blogs and now have a dangerously high TBR pile. So far I'm at 43 comments, and I've received a number of great comments on my own blog.
I've posted five comments a day since Friday, except for today. So 30 comments total so far. Today got away from me. Too many deadlines to meet. I'm hoping to double my efforts tomorrow to make up for today. :)
This has been a really cool experience so far. I'm meeting new people and learning a ton about writing and book. Yay!
Things are going well with me. I have 42 "official" comments (43 counting this one), but I've also commented on the blogs of friends who are only loosely associated with kidlit. It's been great to find interesting new blogs and to see new people visiting mine.
There have been missed days! Ack. Now ALA, but I am in with 25.
I've been ebbing and flowing as my schedule allows- but I've averaged 5 a day. It's fun!
I'm ebbing and flowing, but have averaged 3 per day. I fell and tore a ligament and was on medicine, so I wasn't as sharp as I needed to be. Here's to next week and upping the average!
I'm loving the challenge and the new connection it has enabled, love discovering new blogs!
Been fairly consistent every day. If I do not manage to comment on a particular day (generally because of school), then I'll make sure to visit at least ten different blogs...
I normally read a variety of blogs every day, but the challenge forces me to keep track... :)
Lee, I'm so glad that we're doing this again - and January is the perfect time. I had been a good commenter in the past, but have not been for the last few months. Doing this challenge has been the kick-in-the-pants I needed to engage again.
I've done about 45 comments in the first week, and have been slowly making my way through the fellow participants. It's a long list!
As of Thursday, I was at 35 Comments, 5 a day! Yay! But I have to confess that I zonked out on Friday, so I'm trying to do 6 a day until next Thurs. to make up for it.
I'm keeping track on my wall calender, where I also note the days that I've blogged so I can see if I'm slacking off lately. Look at me all organized!
I love getting the comments at my blog, because I'm hearing thoughts on reviews and predictions from people I never even knew read me.
A million times over, thanks for running this, Lee and Pam!
hey lee -
8th 21 comments (i was a freak that day - bored)
9th - 11
10th 6
11th - 7
12th - 9
13th - 11
I am so glad that we average the comments! Whew! I was right on track through the 15th, but then life happened. Trying to post more comments in the next week to make up for two days with no comments at all.
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