Thursday, May 15, 2008

Country Girl, City Girl

By Lisa Jahn-Clough

Phoebe is a shy country girl, 13 years old and living on a farm in Maine.

Melita is a glamorous Manhattan city girl, exiled there for the summer.

They're both lonely, and become unlikely friends, bonding over their plans for a feminist fashion show.

After the Summer, when Phoebe visits Melita in the Big Apple, she discovers her friend has a crush on a boy.

Phoebe's crushed by that, and starts to realize that maybe, she wanted something more from her friendship with Melita...

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Anonymous said...

omg im like really go'n thtrough some stuff i jus told my step mother yesterday that i was bi and now i have 2 tell my mother and my father but my father hates gay ppl nd all the other stuff and just so happen i live with him and my mother has a lot on her plate rite now.i dont think that she will be mad or anything but i think that it will kid of scare her so i dont kno wat the hell 2 do n e more and thisws a secret that i have been holding in for about ever since 6 grande and im now in 9th suppose 2 be in 1oth but can some 1 please help me out give me advise or something

Lee Wind, M.Ed. said...

Hey, first of all, know that coming out is a journey, and you don't have to have it all perfect and figured out right away. That's why we include the "Q" for "Questioning" in the acronym "GLBTQ."

There are a LOT of resources to help you, and to help your parents and step-parent as you all go through this together.

I have a number of good links on this site (check out the section on the right called "Coming out? Check out" But I think one of the first things you might want to consider is find out if there is a PFLAG group near you.

(I'd google search your location with "PFLAG")

They are all about helping families of GLBTQ people like us process and deal and come to understand that you are still you, no matter who you are attracted to.

Also, HRC has a coming out resource guide that you should take a look at:

And two pieces of advice:

1. You've been thinking about and processing this for what sounds like 3 or 4 years - you might need to give your parents some time to adjust to this new information about you, too. When I came out I was pretty impatient with my parents, and it was something I hadn't really considered (that I'd spent so long with it, and they were just learning of it.)

2. Be KIND to yourself. Be PROUD of yourself. You are on a unique journey, and taking this step to be honest about who you are is a HUGE step towards becoming the unique and wonderful person you're destined to become. There are many many people out there to be helpful and supportive - you are not alone, many have come out before you and many will come out after you. There are support groups, hotlines, scholarships, friends to make, loves to experience, a wonderful life to live. Be SAFE, and LOVE yourself first.

I wish you clarity and joy on the amazing adventure ahead,

