Wednesday, April 9, 2008

GAY POETRY IS ALIVE! Steven Reigns' "Joe!"

Okay, sometimes I think the word "poetry" has this patina of PAST on it - the very word sounds dusty and formal... But poetry doesn't have to be that - it can be vibrant, exciting, and full of life!

Steven Reigns

Steven Reigns is a Los Angeles based poet working today whose work is vital and urgent. His work sings to me as only the best poetry does. And he's been kind enough to let me share with you one of his amazing poems to celebrate National Poetry Month:


During the sleepover,
fourteen and in his basement,
we swapped stories of the girls we kissed.
He asked how I did it,
wanted me to show him
on the side of a glass cup.

Lying down in darkness,
before sleeping,
he reached out his hand
over the pillow distance
between us.
Touched me and asked,
What is that?
I laid there still,
answered his question.
My shoulder.
He kept moving his hand,
repeating the question
as I answered.

Check out this Link to Steven being interviewed on the public radio station kpfk for National Poetry Month, about 30 minutes into the segment. He talks about his background and what brought him to poetry. He reads "Joe" and two other poems as well. Really good stuff.

Hurray for Steven and all Queer Poets working today!

Do YOU have a poem you've written you want me to post? If it's GLBTQ, and Teen-appropriate, send it to me via "comments" or "contact me!" Make sure to include your e-mail so I can get back to you...

And let's keep celebrating all this amazing GLBTQ Poetry!




Rita said...

I am a total Steven Reigns fan! GREAT POEM!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for pointing me to this amazing poet! I write gay-themed poetry, too. Check out my site sometime at

Thanks again!
