Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Manny Files, The

By Christian Burch

Okay, you've watched "Auntie Mame" (The Rosalind Russell version, please...)

You've booked your tickets to see "Mary Poppins" on Broadway...

Now you can read about eight year old Keats and his three sisters - and their Gay Male Nanny... Their Manny, and how he helps them learn to be interesting...

And interestingly enough, Christian was a male nanny, or manny, who used his real life experiences as inspiration...

Another interesting note is that Christian does not use the word "gay" in this entire book. He comments about that here:

Also, I didn't use the word gay or talk about it because I didn't want it to be a "gay" book. I wanted it to be a "real life" book where gay people are just people in your lives, not there to teach the gay lesson, just to exist as straight people do in literature.

And like many of the novels where the main characters have GLBTQ Parents or Caretakers, "The Manny Files" revolves around a pre-Teen (in this case, eight year old Keats.)

Be interesting, and add your review of this book in "comments!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my name is christeana i love this book im thirteen yrs old and im a girl i love how the manny showed his feminine side it s beatiful