Friday, December 18, 2020

Vacation Message... Me, You, and Hello, 2021!

2020 has been a year. (At times it's felt more like a decade...)

But here we are! 

My three part vacation message...

#1: Me:

I'll be taking the next two weeks off of blogging, because one thing I've learned is that self-care is not something that you only cram into the available spaces in your life - I need to make the time to take care of myself, on an ongoing basis, or nothing else will work right. (Including me!) 

Julia Cameron, in her amazing The Artists Way, talks about filling the well:

“As artists we must learn to be self-nourishing. We must become alert enough to consciously replenish our creative resources as we draw on them-- to restock the trout pond, so to speak. I call this process filling the well.” —Julia Cameron

So for the next two weeks, I'll be filling my well.

#2: You:

I hope you'll take the time to do something kind for yourself, too. Maybe read one of the LGBTQ teen and kid books featured on this blog in the past twelve months. Maybe go for a walk in nature. Or spend the afternoon baking on Zoom with a friend or loved one. Slow down. Breathe. Maybe your well could use some filling, too.

#3 Hello, 2021!

I'll be back blogging in January. And we'll continue the journey, together.

Until then, the light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you,


Wil Whimsey said...

I’m new to your newsletter and just wanted to say thanks for the add, and I hope you have a wonderful holiday. Yes, it’s like they say (paraphrased), “place the mask on your own face, and then take care of your child’s mask”. If we are going to be any good to others, we have to take care of ourselves. I look forward to exploring your past posts, as well as to what is ahead in 2021. Cheers.

Lee Wind, M.Ed. said...

Thanks, Wil. Healthy and happy holidays ahead, and glad you're joining for the journey!
Stay safe,