Wednesday, September 9, 2020

You're Invited To My Friend Lori's FREE Online "Writers Happiness" Writing Retreat (Sept 11-13, 2020)

I've done two of these before, and it's been awesome, both in terms of the sense of community gathered, and in my getting some writing done!

If writing's your thing, you might consider joining.

Here's the scoop, and the link to register:

Join Lori and me

"...and other writers in a free, communal writing weekend, Friday evening through Sunday lunch (with an optional Friday daytime component). You are welcome to attend for all or just parts here and there, whatever works for your time, brain, or life right now.

The idea behind this writing retreat is simple: community and time. Time to write, to brainstorm, to clear your psychic space from distractions. To sit with your manuscript. To revise. To remember why you love this. To finish something. To start something. To feel refreshed. To be supported. To remember that your writing matters in the midst of all of this, and that it’s also totally okay if it’s not coming easily at the moment.

There are no critiques, no readings, no workshops. Just a chance to work on or think about your project in a supportive community of other writers working on and thinking about their projects as well. [Lori will] also be leading optional writer-centric yoga and guided meditations. All writers of anything are welcome, whether it’s a book or a blog, a dissertation or a business plan."

Get all the details here.

Hope you'll be able to join!

The light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you,

P.S. - Lori didn't ask me to share this, but I am because it's just so good, and it's free, and I'm delighted to spread the word!

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