Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Not Quite Narwhal - a sweet picture book about identity, and belonging, that I wish had been read to me when I was a little kid

Not Quite Narwhal by Jessie Sima

Kelp doesn't mind being a little different from the other narwhals. But when a strong current carried him away, Kelp encounters some mysterious, sparking creatures who leave him wondering if maybe... just maybe... he isn't a NARWHAL at all.

The illustrations! The Narwhals! The Unicorns! And most of all, the main character, Kelp, and how the whole story is suffused with a joyous sense of love and acceptance... It's pretty magical.

Here's a fun book trailer:


Add you review of "Not Quite Narwhal" in comments!


lunaballz said...

This book is so adorable and sells so well at our store. Have you seen the author's other book, Harriet Gets Carried Away? Harriet has two dads!

Lee Wind, M.Ed. said...

Hi Lunaballz - thanks for the recommendation - just put "Harriet Gets Carried Away" on hold at the library! Best, Lee

maldisney said...

As soon as I read this book I realized what message it was trying to tell. This book is a very cute and easy way to teach kids about acceptance!