Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Changing Hats

I'm excited to share that I'm stepping up to a more major position at Authors and Illustrators for Children, and I'll be working through to election day (Nov 8 - don't forget to vote!) as their Advisory Board Member in Charge of Communications and Social Media as well as their Spokesperson.

I'm really excited because we need to make sure our next president is Hillary Clinton!

Of course, this new hat means I'm wearing too many hats... so tomorrow, Thursday September 29, 2016 will be my last day working for Little Pickle Press. It's been a full year, and I've learned so much, and done some projects I'm really proud of.

And now, on to elect President Hillary Clinton!

Thanks for letting me share,

The light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you,

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Congratulations Lee! And yes we need to get Hillary in! :)