Monday, September 12, 2016

Authors and Illustrators for Children... Voting for Hillary Clinton

So in the USA, we've got this presidential election coming up.

It's a big deal. Are we going to go backwards (Donald Trump), or continue to move forwards to a more just future that includes a respect and appreciation for diversity - including people of color, women, muslims, immigrants, and LGBTQ people (Hillary Clinton.)

Okay, so now you know who I'm voting for.

There's an idea out there that authors and illustrators shouldn't be political - that it could hurt their careers, if they alienate any possible customer. That speaking up is dangerous. But that robs us of our rightful voices in an election that's about SO much we care about.

As Michele Obama said in her speech the night Hillary Clinton accepted the democratic nomination for President,

"In this election, and every election, it is about who will have the power to shape our children for the next four or eight years of their lives."

I'm joined by over 1,000 authors and illustrators of books for children and teens in speaking up on social media via Authors and Illustrators for Children. On Twitter. On Facebook. On Instagram. Here's a sample of what's being shared:

Check out the AIforC website here.

Grab the images. Share them widely. Use the Hashtag #AuthorsAndIllustrators4Clinton
And speak up! Your voice deserves to be heard, too.


April Halprin Wayland said...

Lee--this is fantastic! Thank you so much for stepping up and speaking out!
#ImWithHer and #AuthorsAndIllustrators4Clinton are too!

Janet Wong said...

This is SO GREAT. Thanks for your leadership, Lee!