Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Writing Queer Characters - Launching A New Occasional Series with "Dear Authors" - A Queer Teen's spoken word poem about LGBTQAI+ Representation

I'm delighted to be launching this new series of posts with this very heartfelt video, "Dear Authors", which I'm sharing with the teen creator's permission:

Writing queer characters for young people is a topic that's been getting more attention and coverage in writing conferences around the USA this past year, and we'll be hearing from some of those presenters.

Stay tuned for some great stuff ahead! And thanks to @JoneMac53 over on twitter for the heads-up on "Dear Authors!"



Andrea said...

Enjoyed the video. I am having a good time writing about a friendship between two college students--a straight girl and a gay guy. Have any great books to recommend with strong friendships like this?

Lee Wind, M.Ed. said...

Hi Andrea, thanks for commenting. There are a number of books with strong hetero/homo friendships out there, but there's always room for more great stories! Check out the titles listed in the left-hand column of this blog, Books On Friends and Family of LGBTQ characters: